Sunday, October 29, 2006

"J" Author-Based A ~ Z Reads

Joshilyn Jackson ~ BOiPod
Personal Rating: 4/5

Going backward in time, then returning to the present is not a favored writing strategy of mine, but I have to admit that I enjoyed it in this novel. The writing was entertaining enough to sustain the entwining time frames of why Arlene had made three promises to God and what was to become of them.

There were several different levels to the storyline, some of which I was able to surmise, but others left me by the wayside. It was well done. My only negative thought is the "mouth" that Arlene blasted. She was filled to the brim with foul language, but fortunately her personality managed to soften some of it.

I enjoyed this debut novel and plan on adding Jackson's next book BETWEEN, GEORGIA onto my TBR list.

1 comment:

  1. I was ready to add this to my list, until you mentioned the character's tendency for bad language. If there's occasional 'language' that's one thing, but all the time bothers me. I liked the idea of the promises to God and what became of them. Great idea for a book.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!