Friday, March 07, 2008


Janine Latus
Genre: True Crime
Published: 2007
Personal Rating: 3.75/5
Yearly Count: 31

Janine and her sister, Amy, both grow up with an abusive father and as they mature, they continually choose men that maintain what they know and expect.

My heart goes out to battered women and I hope that this book will encourage those that are in unhealthy relationships to reach out and get help before it's too late.

What has irritated me is that the title is very misleading. It appears that it would be focused on the person that wrote the note, but it is far from that. This is Janine's story with Amy thrown in as an afterthought.


  1. i'd not heard of this one before - but i'm adding it to my to-read list. thanks for the review.

  2. Alison ~ It really gives great insight into the mentality of battered women (at least Janine's mind anyway). I would have rated it higher if it were titled appropriately. :)

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I read this last year. It's not a book I would have picked up, but a reading buddy said it was a must read. The book blew me away! It's powerful!

  4. J. Kaye ~ The title grabbed me, that's why I'm annoyed. However, the content was indeed powerful.

  5. I havent heard of this one before, but it does sound interesting.

  6. Joy, I've heard that an author names a book and often the title is changed by the publisher. I wonder if that was the case with this book.

  7. Naida ~ I actually haven't seen it around too much either.

    Mary ~ I totally forgot about the publisher's power. Thank you for reminding me. Even just the possibility makes a difference in my opinion.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!