Thursday, April 03, 2008


Jack Kerley
Genre: Crime Thriller
Published: 2006
Personal Rating: 3.75/5
Yearly Count: 44

A Garden of Vipers is the third in the Carson Ryder and Harry Nautilus series. They are homicide detectives in Mobile, Alabama. Their latest case focuses on the death of a young female journalist and quickly has the duo on the hunt for the killer. Many people and clues are involved in their investigation causing some confusion as to what, if any, fit their case.

Carson and Harry are characters that I have enjoyed more and more with each book - this one was no different. However, I didn't care as much for the direction of the plot. Also, there seemed to be too many "perfect fits" in getting out of jams or trying to resolve issues. If it weren't for that, I would have rated this one higher.


  1. I still giggle every time I think about Harry drawing that "free space" on the sidewalk with chalk.

  2. Suzi ~ Oh my gosh - I LOVED THAT!!! That was the best ever. :)

  3. I read The Hundredth Man just recently, based on your recommendation, I think. I'm totally sold on the series and excited that now's there's two more I need to read.

  4. Framed ~ Here's Kerley's Carson Ryder series:

    1. The Hundredth Man (2004)
    2. The Death Collectors (2005)
    3. A Garden of Vipers (2006)
    4. Little Girls Lost (2007)
    5. Blood Brothers (summer 2008 in UK, US unknown at this time)

    I saw Blood Brothers listed as a standalone somewhere, but Carson is in it and obviously Blood Brothers would mean Carson's "crazy" brother. ???

    Suzi ~ I'm thinking you're not too happy about #5. I got the impression you weren't too thrilled about that character. Or was it just too much of him in the past?

  5. Not sure when I'll ever get around to trying out this series, but man do I love the title of this one.

  6. Debi ~ I really like the lead characters more and more with each book.

    All the answers or conclusions kept popping out at me and kind of put a damper on my enjoyment of this one; however, it was still very good.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!