Monday, May 21, 2007

David Rosenfelt ~ BOiPod
Personal Rating: 4/5
Yearly Count: 38

Andy, Andy, Andy. Andy Carpenter. Andy is a very clever, wise guy lawyer ... my type of lead character! :) I will certainly be seeking him out again. Dead Center happens to be the 5th escapade of Andy Carpenter, so I have 4 other opportunities to do just that.

In regard to the plot, I enjoyed it. This being a legal thriller, I was already interested, but the storyline of a double murder with a young college student in custody, situated in a unique town, kept me intrigued. It didn't have any incredible twists or fantastic moments, but it was a good read (listen).

Unfortunately, I did have difficulty getting used to the narrator. His voice was opposite from the last BOiPod I listened to, so I wasn't too thrilled in the beginning. After a while, I grew to accept that this was Andy and continued on. My first instinct was to pick up a book next time, but I think Rosenfelt's character would be just as entertaining if I listened to them as I did this one.

*Recommended By:
The Surly Bookseller


  1. Yay !! I'm glad you liked Andy. I have a few to get through till I get to this one, but I'm starting First Degree tonight :-)

  2. Suzi ~ I will go back and read from the start. :) I don't have any concerns about reading stand alone books out of publishing order, but series belong in order! Oops! Obviously it was still an enjoyable book.

    I just remembered...I have to add Surly on my Recommended By notation.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!