Sunday, September 14, 2008


Author: Ernest Hemingway
Genre: Short Story
Published: 1926/1992 Oxford Book Collection
Personal Rating: 3.5/5
(SS) Yearly Count: 10

A clean, well-lighted place refers to a cafe in which a deaf man sits outside drinking brandy until he is drunk.  The conversation between an older and younger waiter regarding the customer reveal their difference in age and experience in life.

This very short story was okay on the surface, but grew on me when I started to think on it deeper.  I liked the contrast of the two waiters and how the older resembled wisdom.  He wanted or needed to stay in the light of the world instead of the darkness that it often offers.  


  1. This does sound like an interesting story especially, like you said, in the contrast between the two waiters. It sounds like a story you need to think about on that deeper level to get something out of it.

  2. I think I tried to read Ernest Hemingway a few years ago but it didn't really hold my interest :( I might try again though.

  3. Ladytink ~ Hey! You snuck in! This was an extremely short story. You could handle it. :)

  4. Oh, that Hemingway. Not very many writers can write so purely, in so few words and say so much. I just got down my Complete Short Stories and am going to read it again, right now! Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Nan ~ LOL I hope you enjoyed it, Nan! :)


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!