Monday, December 01, 2008


Author:  Neil Gaiman
Genre:  Children's Fantasy
Published:  2008
Personal Rating:  4/5
Yearly Count:  154

Nobody Owens.  Bod for short.  He lives in a graveyard and communicates with dead people and . . . the not so dead.  Other than that - he's a normal boy.  Bod's unfortunate circumstances do not allow him to leave the graveyard.  If he does, he could be killed by the man Jack that murdered his family and has been hunting for him ever since.  Other than that - he's a happy boy.

Well, I'll be.  I actually really enjoyed this book - a Gaiman book - a fantasy book.  Who would have thought!?!  I have gone from a rating of 2/5 (Anansi Boys) to a 3/5 (Coraline) to a 4/5 with The Graveyard Book.  Woo Hoo!

The idea that real life is reflected in this fantasy book is fascinating and interesting to discover along the way.  There were some things or scenes that I didn't care for (a little too out-there for me), but for the most part I enjoyed the adventure, the relationships and most of all, the suspense.  This is definitely a book that can be enjoyed by many ages - probably best read by adults to the younger ones, as it is recommended for 9 - 12.   

*Recommended By:  Debi from nothing of importance


  1. My copy is sitting in a pile nearby staring at me! I think I'm going to have to read it soon. I've yet to hear anything bad about it!!

  2. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I'd like to read this one.

  3. Glad you liked this one, Joy!

  4. Tanabata ~ It's a quick read and quicker yet because you won't want to stop. :)

    Bermudaonion ~ Fantasy is so not my genre, but this one I enjoyed.

    3M ~ Can you believe it?! :) Which one was your favorite - Stardust?

  5. I really, really want to read this one. Glad you liked it!

  6. I've been wanting to read this one for a while. It sounds so good.

  7. Dar ~ It's not a genre I like and it was good! :) I hope you like it.

    Naida ~ If you like adventure, fantasy and suspense - you should enjoy it.

  8. Yay!! I've heard really good things about this book, so I'm glad you liked it. Love the new header, by the way!

  9. You have no idea how big a smile you just put on my face! I'm just so thrilled that you enjoyed this!

    Just curious, was one of the things you didn't like the chapter where Bod falls down in through the ghoul gate? As much as I loved the book, that chapter just didn't do much for me.

  10. I've never read anything by Gaiman but want to and this one looks like a good starting point. Great review Joy!

  11. Trish ~ If you liked Coraline, you should like this one, too. And, thanks!

    Debi ~ I'm thrilled that I enjoyed it, too! Unfortunately, my memory has taken a leave of absence, so I can't answer your question. I would need more prompts in order to do so. :) Although, my assumption would be yes that's one of the parts. *grin* Your review is what put this book in my hands. Thank you!

    Samantha.1020 ~ I liked this one the best out of the three I've read. I'll pick up another well-liked Gaiman book in the future. (I almost gave up.)

  12. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I'm glad you enjoyed this too. I loved that each chapter was a short story in itself.

  13. Rhinoa ~ Yes - they were, weren't they?! I remember thinking that while reading, but not since.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!