Monday, May 11, 2009


Jack Kilborn (aka J. A. Konrath)
& Blake Crouch
Genre: Horror Novella, Standalone
Published: 2009
Personal Rating: 4/5
(ss) Yearly Count: 17

SERIAL is a terrifying tale of hitchhiking gone terribly wrong. Like a deeply twisted version of an “After School Special,” it is the single most persuasive public service announcement on the hazards of free car rides.

You are left with no doubts as to the moral of this novella, and it is "deeply twisted", indeed! There were three chapters, all of which read with lightning speed; however, the first two were horrific (yes, it has lived up to its genre). They were actually sickening, but I had to see what was going to happen in the third. It, too, was no bed of roses, but it was not as descriptive - thank goodness! I actually couldn't take my eyes off the pages, due to the very clever twist.

I have rated this novella "very good" for the wrap up of the story, not the ugly horror. (I don't think I fully understood what I was getting myself in to when I read it.) If you are in the least bit squeamish, I don't think this is for you. And be prepared if you aren't, you just might become so. EEK!


  1. I'm not sure if I'll like it, but I downloaded it - I figure it's worth a try.

  2. Probably not for me (as I AM the least bit squeamish) but I love the description: "deeply twisted After School Special". Wow!

  3. As intrigued as you have me (you know how you want to look after someone says, Don't look!), I'm thinking NO WAY JOSE! :) I had to stop reading RL Stine when I was a kid because his books were giving me nightmares. :P

    Glad you found it a worthwhile read.

  4. I plan to download it. I love reading Blake Crouch, he scares the bejeezus out of me. And I already like JA Konrath aka Joe Kilborn. I can't to read AFRAID someday. I keep hoping to win it, but it comes out in MPB soon, I can afford it then.

  5. Bermudaonion ~ Let me know, if you read it.

    Mary ~ I love that description, too.

    Trish ~ Wise decision then, Trish. :)

    Vickie ~ I've never read anything by Blake Crouch, but if this is how he writes - then YIKES. Stay tuned until tomorrow.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!