Friday, June 12, 2009


Author: Michael Shaara
Genre: Realistic Fiction, Standalone
Published: 1974
Personal Rating: 2/5 (not enjoyable)
Yearly Count: 71

The Battle of Gettysburg, July 1 - 3, 1863, is described in detail by the key leaders including Confederate Generals Lee, Longstreet, and Armistead and Federal General Buford, Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain. We listen to each leader as they make difficult decisions and watch as they are carried out. In the process, we learn about each leader and can distinguish their personalities, and at the same time experience the painful pressures of war.

Many Civil War buffs have claimed that even those that don't have much interest in this historic timeframe would be enthralled with this book. I beg to differ. The Killer Angels would have been a DNF had I attempted to read it. However, it is a perfect choice for those that are curious about the minute details of the 3 days in Gettysburg. Unfortunately, the amount of curiosity I held was saturated by the time I reached the 2nd CD.

The contents are based on actual letters and other extensive research, but Shaara changed the dialog to represent the current flow of language. Also, Shaara was award the Pulitzer Prize for this work, and it was the basis for the movie Gettysburg in 1993. So, obviously more than a few like this book, but you won't be seeing me joining that camp.


  1. I'm one of those who absolutely loved this book. I'm sorry you won't be joining the camp...but that's okay, we've got lots of other camps we can belong to together. :D

  2. Anonymous6:44 PM

    My husband loves the Civil War and I bought this book (along with the other 2 in the series) for him to read. Unfortunately, he hasn't cracked the spine on any of them. They're all sitting on my bookshelf waiting for me to read them. Hopefully I'll enjoy them more than you did. Vanilla/chocolate thing!

  3. I loved this one. However, I read it with my oldest son right before we went and actually visited Gettysburg so I was interested in all the minute details.

    Sorry it wasn't a good read for you. Hope your next book is great!

  4. Sorry this one was a stinker.

  5. I haven't read this one, but my husband loved it. He doesn't recommend you read the prequel and sequels if you didn't like this one. :-)

  6. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Thanks for the heads up I'm unsure...perhaps I'll order it from the library so I won't feel as though I wasted money if I hate it ;)

  7. I've got a copy of this one and I'm looking forward to reading it, someday. I don't care for modernized language, though. It's good to be forewarned, thanks.

  8. Debi ~ I can see how others could like it - truly I do, and I'm glad that you were one of them. But . . . here's to other camps! :)

    Lynne ~ Did you read 1776 with BLBC? Yes, I know that wasn't the Civil War, but I enjoyed that so much more. But, like you say vanilla/chocolate. :) If you attempt it, I hope you enjoy it. I did learn a few things, but nothing I really care about. Sad, I know.

    Amy ~ Having a purpose and connection would have greatly benefitted my experience. Maybe one day I'll visit Gettysburg and appreciate what I learned.

    Bermudaonion ~ Thanks. I'm glad it's done. :)

    Danielle ~ I wouldn't take my word for it, Danielle. I really am in the minority - as it is highly recommended. The library would be a good place to start, though. If you like it, then you can go from there. :)

    Bookfool ~ Well, it's not too modernized it's just not like it was in 1863. *grin* I forgot exactly what he said, but they spoke in more flowery terms during that time period, so we would miss the impact of their sentiments and think of them as naive. He tried to bridge the great generational gap.

  9. AHHHH, I missed Literary Feline! I'm so sorry. I don't know how that happened.

    Literary Feline ~ LOL Tell him thanks for sparing me - I will stay clear. :) Seriously though, it's a great piece of our history and should be respected - and I do, but this was just so slow and boring at times. There were some highlights, but not many from my perspective. Also, sometimes I struggle with character-driven novels and that was the target for this one.

  10. Anonymous11:52 AM

    That's too bad. It's sitting on my shelf right now as a potential for my K title too. Maybe I'll pick something else!

  11. I'm not big on historical reads. I think my older son might like this one, though. He's a history buff.

  12. I really liked The Killer Angels, but don't feel any real need to read any of the sequels/prequels.

  13. Just a quick comment to tell you that Gwendolyn B. at Sea of Books has nominated me for my first award and I'm passing it on to you! Come to my blog to grab the graphic and to see who else I picked :)

  14. Stacybuckeye ~ It depends on what you like - this is quite a popular book, but it just wasn't for me.

    Ms. Bookish ~ If he likes the idea of getting to know the historical characters, it is a great one for that.

    Bybee ~ I wish I liked it more. I'm glad you and a zillion others did. :)

    Book Dragon ~ Oh! I'll be by soon. Thanks!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!