Friday, September 18, 2009


Author: Elizabeth Berg
Genre: Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2009
Personal Rating: 3/5 (just okay)
Yearly Count: 111

The death of Dan, Helen's husband, has left her unable to write or cope with general living. As she's trying to get her feet under her, she discovers a shocking detail regarding their joint bank account. Dan had withdrawn a substantial amount several months prior to his death.

This was a gentle, light book. I appreciate it for its calm nature, but I need a little more action and/or friction. There were some moments that produced a grin, nod or a sense of sympathy, but nothing too powerful. All in all, it was a pleasant read.


  1. The general consensus for this book seems to be that it's just okay.

  2. This book is in my TBR stack. Now I am not sure if I am too keen on reading it....sounds like it may put me to sleep. ;)

  3. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I love Elizabeth Berg, but sounds like I don't need to be rushing out to get this one :)

  4. Oops! This was found on another post:

    Diane said...
    Joy....I thought this book was so boring! You were more generous than me. I rated it 2/5. Berg is a hit or miss author for me. The cover was nice though LOL

    10:13 PM

  5. I really enjoyed this book. I am a fan of Berg's and her writing and find her style and writing very heartfelt. I always find wonderful quotes from her books and many parallels to life.

  6. I like the cover. I can't remember my last Berg book but it's been awhile.

  7. I agree with Cheya - the cover is awesome. It's been a while since I've read a Berg book, too. They have a tendency to be quiet and pensive, I think. They're very internal.

    Love your Michigan button!!!

  8. Oh, dear. I'm in the minority on this one. I loved it. Wonder what it was that struck me so strongly and bored others...

    Why am I hear posting and not reading Cody's book??? Send me back to my book!! :)

  9. Bermudaonion ~ Yep.

    Missy ~ LOL Well, maybe you can read it one day when you are having trouble sleeping. :)

    Stacybuckeye ~ I've only read a few and to be honest I have not been overly impressed. However, that has more to do with genre not her writing.

    Diane ~ Hopefully the next Berg book you pick up will be a winner.

    Bonnie ~ I found parallels too, and that's where the pleasant read comes into play. However, in general, I need and like more excitement in my reading.

    Booklogged ~ If you read this, I hope you really enjoy it.

    Bookfool ~ I LOVE that blue jay. I took a picture of one in our backyard at the time I was reading this book.

    GO BLUE! :) We are having so much fun with this football season.

    Les ~ I like it when I'm book struck, so I'm glad that it happened to you with this one. :) This is one of those books that timing, mood, etc. have to be just right to make it a winner for me.

    Have you finished Cody's book yet?!?

  10. I finished it yesterday. Loved it!! I think it's Cody's best yet. I was completely stunned with the revelation at the end. Not the very end, but you know what I mean. The killer's identity.Wowzer!!

  11. Les ~ I'm feeling brain-dead at the moment because I don't remember the ending! UGH. I just read it - this is very sad. :( In general though, I didn't think it was his best - for one particular reason. We'll have to chat when I can remember what I read. :)

  12. Oooh, and I did think it was his best! It's killing me to have to wait to post my review!!


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!