Sunday, November 15, 2009


Author: Julia Spencer-Fleming
Genre: Mystery, Series #2
Published: 2003
Personal Rating: 3.5/5 (good)
Yearly Count: 133

Police chief Russ Van Alstyne and Rev. Clair Fergusson both reside and work in Millers Kill, New York. The small town is questioning whether a piece of land is pollutants-free for building, and there are several men attacked - one resulting in a death. The two become partners of sorts, because Rev. Fergusson is the one to discover the dead body.

I'm still not so sure about this series. In the first book, I liked the plot and did not care for the main character's relationship all that much. In this book, I didn't care for the plot and still didn't care for the relationship between the two; however, it did feel a bit more realistic. I don't think I will be in a hurry to get to #3. I'm not avoiding it, but there's not much draw for me either.


  1. I have the first book in this series sitting in my TBR room. It's too bad this one didn't work so well for you and that your impression of the relationship between the characters didn't improve. Sounds like you gave this series a fair shake. I don't think anyone would hold it against you if you didn't read further.

  2. Life is too short to read bad books and just so-so books....

  3. I absolutely love your short and concise reviews. This is a series that I haven't heard of but it doesn't seem like I'm missing out if I don't read them.

  4. In my time of rating books, I gave the first one an A+; the second (this one) a B+ because I had a hard time with the subject matter; and then the third one an A+ again. I didn't read the fourth because I didn't think I'd be interested in the '24' theme - that the whole book took place in a day. I've looked into the two after that, but I think her books are a bit too dark for me - this from someone who is reading Henning Mankell's dark Swedish mysteries! There is just no understanding reading taste, is there? :<)

  5. Hi, Joy! Lisa from Bluestalking here. I'd love to interview you for my blogger interview series, if you're interested. Could you send me an email where I can send the questions, if so?


    Lisa :-)

  6. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I have some series like that too. I received Against Medical Advice today. Thanks!

  7. Literary Feline ~ I'm fairly certain that I'm not going to continue. I have shelves and shelves full of books that I haven't read that I can't wait to read, so I'm going to stick to those. Why force myself to like something that isn't grabbing me? That would just be silly. Thanks for your comment.

    Vickie ~ Unfortunately, I need to be reminded of that from time to time. Thanks.

    Staci ~ It's just not striking my fancy. Others love it, though.

    Nan ~ I love your last sentence. So much goes into whether a book flies or not. My heart goes out to authors - what a tough job! It's interesting that you loved the 3rd one. That throws a little doubt into my decision. Grrrrr :)

    Lisa ~ What a nice surprise! I'm so sorry that I didn't respond sooner, but this sitting is the first time I've responded to anybody since the middle of November! Life has been busy, busy, busy! I'll be in touch.

    Stacybuckeye ~ You're welcome. I hope you enjoy it, Stacy.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!