Thursday, September 22, 2011


Author: Deborah Crombie
Genre: Mystery,
Kincaid & James Series #1
Published:  1993
Personal Rating: 3.25/5 (just okay +)
Format: Audiobook
Yearly Count:  79

Detective Duncan Kincaid is on holiday at a time-share resort and finds that it isn't much of a holiday after all.  The first evening he overhears an argument and then the morning brings the discovery of an electrocuted body in the jacuzzi. 

Neither Duncan Kincaid nor Gemma James had much personality, so the story just progressed forward without much spunk. The plot wasn't boring, but I wasn't intrigued either. Overall, it was a middle of the road cozy mystery - nothing special, but not bad either.  


  1. Joy: The series absolutely does get better. It's more suspense/Brit police procedural than cozy as it goes on. Hope you give the Duncan and Kincaid another try.

  2. Vickie ~ Oh! That's good to know! I will give the series another go then. Thanks!

  3. A detective has to have personality for a mystery to work, if you ask me!

  4. Bermudaonion ~ I didn't sense much personality, so hopefully the next one will show more.

  5. I was planning on starting this series at some point...the so-so has me nervous!!

  6. I love this series, and I think it would be worth your reading time to try one or two more to see if your opinion changes. I've read that many people think this series went from good to great with the fifth book. I've read them all except the new one and I really think they are wonderful books. If you want to read more, you could visit my blog, click the authors tab under the blog header photo, and scroll down to Deborah Crombie. I've written about each book, without spoilers, of course!

  7. Staci ~ It has me nervous, too, but I'll give the second one a try and see if the characters come alive.

    Nan ~ Thank you for your comment. It's encouraging. I do plan on reading/listening to #2. I'm hoping more personality rises to the surface.

  8. This is a new series to me, but not one I'll be adding to my wishlist based on your thoughts.

  9. Stacybuckeye ~ That's just my opinion of the first one, though. Vickie and Nan both say it gets better. If you choose to give it a try, you could always start with the second. *grin*


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!