Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Author:  Mary Doria Russell
Genre:  Fiction, Standalone
Published:  2011
Personal Rating:  DNF #7
Format:  Audiobook

I listened to over 45 minutes of this story and couldn't stand being talked at anymore.  I like dialog in my books whether I listen to them or read them.  Being told a story about others does not engage me.  I am willing to give this one another chance only because of the author's reputation, but it won't be any time soon.  


  1. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I read this one a few months ago, and wasn't that impressed. I really didn't like the author's writing style - very confusing and I had to backtrack a lot. I'm sure it would be even more confusing in an audio book.

  2. Lynne ~ Hmmm, maybe there won't be a second chance. Thanks for letting me know your experience with it.

    I'm so glad you commented because I thought of you yesterday. I read somewhere that a new Taylor book just came out: A Dublin Student Doctor. I'm sure you probably already know that being a fan and all, but if not - there ya go. :) I have two books in the series, but haven't tried one yet.

  3. ...and removing it from the WWBL. I love this author and the premise of the book....but not if two of my trusted agents say phhhpttt.

  4. Hmmm...I have the audio on my iPod, now I will probably be disappointed as well:( sorry it was a loser book for you.

  5. Vickie ~ I'm sure I've read third person narratives and didn't even give it a thought, but this one I felt talked at. If you love the author, I would still give it a try. You may be thrilled with it. This was my first MDR.

    Diane ~ I decided to tighten the reigns when it comes to continuing a book that I'm not really enjoying, so this one bit the dust. It may have turned out to be a terrific read, but I didn't feel compelled to pick it back up. Like I told Vickie, you may love it. It's worth a one disc listen to decide for yourself.

  6. I wonder if you would've enjoyed it more reading it rather than listening to it? I've read a ton of great reviews for this one so I would be willing to read it. I'm not huge into audio.

  7. Staci ~ I probably wouldn't have made it as far, if I had read it. It just didn't grab me. I'm really, really disappointed about it because of the established author and the hype. I haven't given up though. I may try it again one day.

  8. Lots of DNF for you lately. :( While I don't mind not having a lot of dialogue in my books, there is a difference between telling and showing. Hope your next several books begin a better streak for you!

  9. Trish ~ I think DNF is better than plodding through a book I'm not really enjoying. I should have had many more this year instead of low ratings. I post them for my memory, not for the sake of reviews.

    And look at you . . . commenting and blogging. It appears as if you may have learned to create some balance in home, work and play! :)

  10. I've read all of MDR's books (read The Sparrow twice), so I was pretty sure I'd enjoy this one, even though the subject matter didn't really appeal to me too much. I downloaded the audio and started listening the other day at work. Like you, I gave up after about an hour. I don't know if it's the reader or the manner in which the book is written, but this is not one that I'll finish. So disappointing! However, my husband and stepdad loved it. Maybe it's one of those books that appeals more to men? Dunno.

  11. Les ~ Interesting! I'm so glad you had a similar experience as I did because I was concerned that I wasn't going to like any of her work. If you loved this, then I was in trouble. So I guess I'm not going to give this one another try and just focus on The Sparrow. Thanks, Les!

  12. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I'm a big fan of The Sparrow by Russell and it's how she made a name for herself. I recommend starting there. Yes, it's sci-fi but it's good.
    I'll probably give this one a try at some point, but I had a similar problem with another of her books. I know she does tons of research and loves it. Maybe she loves it too much :)

  13. Stacybuckeye ~ Thanks for the recommendation. When I give her a try again, The Sparrow it will be. :)


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