Friday, April 06, 2012


Author:  Sophie Kinsella
Genre:  Fiction, Standalone
Published:  2012
Personal Rating:  3.25/5 (just okay +)
Format:  Audiobook
Yearly Count:  30

During an emergency evacuation, Poppy Wyatt loses her engagement ring and gets her phone stolen right out of her hand!  As luck would have it, she finds a used phone in the garbage and all kinds of new things begin to pop up into her life. 

I think the best adjective for this book would be cute.  Poppy was a spunky character and very reminiscent of Becky Bloomwood from The Shopaholic Series.  I prefer the character of Becky, but Poppy was fun, too.  The two main male characters were both disappointing.  If they had been spruced up a bit I may have enjoyed it more.  Other than that, the length was a bit too long, and the "footnotes" didn't add much flavor, but it was still another good diversion while doing chores.




  1. I need a cute book from time to time so I'll have to look for this one.

    1. Bermudaonion ~ As long as you are not expecting too much, you'll enjoy it. :)

  2. I have yet to read one of Kinsella's novels. They've never appealed to me and I'm not sure a "cute" novel is in my future. :)

    1. Les ~ I actually really enjoy her Shopaholic series as pure frivolous, fun reads, which is so not like me. However, I like the fact that she makes me grin and shake my head. :p I wouldn't choose this one as an introduction though, if the mood ever struck you.

  3. I have her first Shopaholic book but have yet to read it! I'm sure it will be a fun read too! I don't mind cute...sometimes they fit my mood perfectly!

    1. Staci ~ You've got to read the first Shopoholic book! Her ridiculous logic is very humorous to me. Actually, I listened to most, if not all of that series, too. Listen to it, Staci. You'll laugh. :)

  4. I wasn't a huge fan of Becky but Poppy could be more my style.

    1. Stacybuckeye ~ Sounds like she may be!


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