Friday, October 04, 2013


Author:  Louise Penny
Genre:  Mystery, Three Pines Series #9
Published:  2013
Personal Rating:  4/5 (very good)
Format/Narrator:  Audiobook/Ralph Cosham
Yearly Count:  81

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache is summoned to Three Pines when a friend of a villager goes missing.  Meanwhile, Gamache is also dealing with unresolved feelings and knowledge regarding the Surete.  

I listened to this book (and many others in this series), and while I love Ralph Cosham as Gamache, I felt like he didn't change his voice as much for other characters this go round and caused me to get confused a time or two.  That also caused me some disappointment.  THEN, interestingly enough, there was an interview with Cosham and Penny at the end of the audio, and the topic of HIM being Gamache obviously was discussed, but also that of the other characters.  I didn't agree with everything that was shared, but one extremely interesting tidbit was that Cosham does his audio recordings as cold reads!  He does not preview them or read ahead - nothing!  With that being said, I could understand the lack of switching voices, but this has been his practice all along.  I don't understand what happened in this book.  It could absolutely, positively be ME and not Cosham, but I don't feel like taking on the blame today.  LOL  Despite the narration, this book ranked pretty high for me.  I really enjoyed the two main story lines and of course, look forward to more!  :)



  1. I'm currently listening to #2 (A Fatal Grace). I'm enjoying it, but like the Maisie Dobbs' series, I'm not completely enthralled. Entertaining, but not outstanding. at least not yet.

    1. Les ~ I have not been "completely enthralled" by this series either. I've liked some more than others, but never enthralled. However, in the Maisie Dobbs series, there have been a few that have enthralled me. :) I'm not a big fan of cozy mysteries in general, so both series have to work hard to keep me.

  2. That's interesting about the audio version and I can see how his not switching voices would make it confusing. I do hope to read this one day. I need to get caught up!

    1. Literary Feline ~ I was surprised regarding his cold readings. Could his performance be better if he had more knowledge going into it?! Hmmm. For this book, my answer would be a resounding YES! :)

  3. Anonymous12:10 AM

    He reads it cold? That is very surprising. Did he admit to being lazy? ;)

    1. Stacybuckeye ~ LOL Seriously, you made me laugh out loud. Love your sense of humor, Stacy! :)


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