Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Can you say 8? Whoa.

Thoughts of Joy is 8 years old today!!!

I can't believe another year has flown by.  My reading habits have changed over the year by becoming more audiobook-based.  There are too many other things to do (fun and not-so-fun) to just sit and read.  Audiobooks give me the option to listen to a book and do something else at the same time.  Audiobooks have been a part of my life since before blogging, but this year they have taken over.  I barely read books anymore.  I miss it, but love the fact that I get more in a day with audios. 

My blog will continue on as is.  I still enjoy reading other blogs and keeping mine as a reading journal.  I miss the camaraderie of bloggers that once was, but nothing stays the same.  Such is life.  Thanks to those that haven't given up on me and continue to stop by.  You make my day with every comment.  

Happy Reading and/or Listening!


  1. Congratulations! My eight year anniversary is coming up shortly too. Or did it already pass? I can't remember.

    1. Literary Feline ~ Thank you! I think there were a group of us that started all around the same time. The blogger bloomers! :) I hope you continue to keep blogging as well. I read it!

  2. 8 years is amazing! Congratulations!

    1. Bermudaonion ~ Thanks! I surprised that it's been 8 years, but then on the other hand, it seems like this has been part of my life forever.

  3. Happy Anniversary!! You were one of the very first book blogs I started reading and one of the few from that time still around! I miss those "good ole' days" when we were a smaller, more community-based group too. But as you say, life goes forward and things change. There is a season for everything. I so wish I could do the audio-book thing but just do not have the mind for it. The only time my mind doesn't wander is when I'm reading. I'll read cereal boxes, shampoo bottles, just to get my mind to shut up! Happy listening!

    1. Nicola ~ It took me a long time to be able to maintain focus while listening. It's no easy feat. I still have to pause it for a minute or so to do something that requires more attention. I still read though (I can't imagine never reading!), but usually it's only a few pages of an ebook before bed. Although, I'm trying to catch my yearly count up (yes, I'm weird like that), so I've gathered up some graphic novels and those I'm reading whenever. :)

  4. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I am so glad that you are still here!!! I post many of your recommendations on my Pinterest so I know what to read next...we have such similar reading tastes. Got your note from GoodReads!!!!! Love hearing from you. I'm on You Tube now with my art projects and don't post much on my blog but I know what you the early days of blogging we were a pretty cool and tight community ;)

    1. Danielle ~ Thanks! I'd love to know your thoughts on the books. I've got to see you on YouTube! I'll try to hunt you down. :)

  5. I'm still here too! I'm reading audiobooks a lot more as well. I feel so much more accomplished when I read and (walk, clean, cook, drive).
    Where do you get your audiobooks? do you buy? I just use the library, so feel a little limited.
    Happy 8 years Joy!

    Are you watching BB this summer? Best cast in quite a while - lots of people to enjoy like Donny, Hayden, and Nicole, Zach and Cody.

    1. Raidergirl3 ~ I'm glad you are still here, but for a while I didn't think you were! :( I'll email you!

      To answer you audiobook question (so all can read): I get ALL of my audiobooks through the library. We have a system that includes an incredible amount of surrounding cities libraries. It's really a great source; however, I am limited on titles. The newest are usually confined to their own libraries for a period of time (sometimes long!). I could physically check them out, but not have them sent through the loaning procedure (transferred by truck).

  6. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I've been around a few months longer than you (had to look at my blog footer to see when I started, as I always forget how long I've been doing this!). Here's to many more years of swapping book recs and here's hoping Cody publishes another thriller!! It's been far too long, wouldn't you agree?

    Hugs, dear friend!

    1. Les ~ Thank you! I've searched for Cody a couple times, and he apparently is happy writing books in Germany. I haven't seen any translated in English yet. I'm very disappointed in him for not keeping in touch with his American fans. I think that was rude to up and leave like he did. I'm not being facetious, I'm serious.

    2. I agree wholeheartedly. Very disappointing and rude.

  7. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I know I'm late (as usual) but wanted to leave more congratualtions! I always love your succinct and honest reviews :)

    1. Stacybuckeye ~ Thanks, Stacy! I can only be me, right? :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!