Tuesday, July 16, 2024

18 Years and Counting

Another year has zoomed by, and while I've enjoyed my reading, I'm still not averaging higher than 3.3 in my ratings.  I haven't been too disappointed in my book choices, but I definitely haven't been able to rave about them either.  Hence, the "just okay" average.

The good news is that I have been reading so many of MY books.  At the beginning of the year, I made 3 stacks of 12 books each and one list of 12 books (total of 48 books).  The 3 stacks were made up of books from my shelves.  I categorized them as TBR Shelves (general picks), BOTM (from past years) and Buzzword Challenge.  The list was my NetGalley books.  I have read over half of the collective books!  This is the first year I have made such a dent in my actual shelves.  It's been great.  I imagine I will continue this personal challenge next year, as well.

I haven't made as many purchases this year, and I have continued to cull my unwanted books.  I still have a long way to go, but it's been good to remove some here and there.  Those unwanted books are the ones that continually get overlooked, because there is always something more enticing to pick up.

My hope for you is that whatever you pick up brings you much happiness!  😃

Thoughts of Joy



  1. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I still follow you, and am glad you're still reviewing your books. Good for you for reading from your own shelves. I do the same, but my mom is a voracious reader and passes her books along to me, so my shelves continue to overflow! Take good care, and happy reading! xo

    1. Well hello there! Thank you! It's nice to see you. :)

      I actually get pleasure from reading books off of my own shelves. Who would have thought? LOL Of course, the other half of my reading has been filled with audiobooks. I still thoroughly enjoy listening while doing various tasks.

      I hope you and yours are doing well. 18 years Les! Where does the time go?

  2. Hi Joy, A little late, but congrats on 18 years. I think I've been following you most of that time. What I like best is your succinct way of reviewing. I see you're getting more into audiobooks. I am, too.

    1. Hello Bybee! :) Nice to see you! I really like keeping a record of my reading, but I just don't have the time or desire to do anything extensive.
      Sometimes I wish I wrote more, but ... sometimes (read: most of the time) that's all I have to say! :)

      As for audiobooks, I love them! I go through phases where that's the majority of my reading (like now!), then I really miss reading a physical book. So much can be done while listening to a book that that seems to be my preference.

      Thank you for the congrats. So kind of you to comment. I hope you are doing well. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!