Friday, February 28, 2025

February Reads

9.  Two Girls Down (Luna) ~ 3.5/5 (good), Audiobook, Thriller

I liked this for the most part.  It got a little slow when I was ready for it to pick up speed.  Also, the ending was sort of typical for this genre.  I did like the relationship between the two main characters and would read more in this series.  2-4-25

10.  The Switch (O'Leary) ~ 3/5 (just okay), Audiobook, Fiction

This wasn't anything special, but I continued.  It was an easy listen with several themes in a couple of age ranges. Didn't care for the narration.  2-11-25

11.  To All the Boys I've Loved Before (Han) ~ 3.25/5 (just okay +), Audiobook, YA Chick Lit

Perfect for YA!  2-15-25

12.  The Family Experiment (Marrs) ~ 4.5/5 (excellent), Book, Sci-fi

I took my time reading this, because I didn't want it to end.  I was fully engrossed in the entire book.  Love this author!!!

13.  Blacktop Wasteland (Cosby) ~ 4/5 (very good), Audiobook, Thriller

This contains very gritty content while a man explores who he wants to be.  2-18-25

14.  Milk and Honey (Kaur) ~ 2.5/5 (eh), Book, Poetry

Just curious.  What constitutes poetry?  Is it simply words on a page?  The sentiment of a passage?  A few lines of thought?  According to this book, it seems like any thought put on paper is a poem.  Hmmm.  I didn't dislike reading this collection, but I didn't like it either.  2-18-25

15.  Evvie Drake Starts Over (Holmes) ~ 3.75/5 (good +), Audiobook, Romance

I enjoyed this closed door romance.  It was cozy and realistic.  2-22-25

16.  The God of the Woods (Moore) ~ 2.5/5 (eh), Audiobook, Mystery

What a disappointment!  This was so long and so boring.  It would have been a DNF, if I had been physically reading it.

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