Friday, May 29, 2009


Author: Bernhard Schlink
Genre: Fiction, Standalone
Published: 1997
Personal Rating: 4.25/5 (better than very good)
Yearly Count: 65

As an adult, Michael recounts and reflects upon his relationship with Hanna, a 40-year-old woman, when he was a mere 15. His memories include the surprising discovery of when she was on trial for her past involvement with the Nazi Party.

I was absorbed in Michael's story from the first word until the very last. There was romance, philosophy, law and compelling writing that brought about many thoughts and questions. It's a memorable read.


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I saw the movie and was really touched by it, so I've added it to my wish list. Sounds like I'll enjoy it :)

  2. I have not seen the movie, but I LOVED the book when I read it. Great review!

  3. Glad you enjoyed this. I thought it was beautifully written, and I am looking forward to seeing the movie.

  4. I was really surprised that I liked this one as much as I did. There is just so much to think about with this book!

  5. I've been thinking about this one. It sounds like a good read.

  6. I've wanted to read this one for a while. I'm glad to see that you really liked it.

  7. The first reviews I'd seen of this one were not flattering, but more recently I've seen a lot of positive reviews - like yours. I'd thought I'd pass on this one, but maybe I ought to give it a try.

  8. I just found a copy of this book in the library sale, so I'm glad to know you enjoyed it! I haven't seen the movie. Must see.

  9. I read this years ago and don't remember much except feeling really icky after reading it. Even still it's in my "would like to read again one day" stack.

  10. oh man I've heard a lot about this one! It sounds really interesting and I can't wait to read it.

  11. I thought this book was fantastic too! You need to see the movie now.

  12. Stacybuckeye ~ I'm so glad I finally got to it. I've heard the movie was good.

    Diane ~ I will be renting the movie for sure.

    Charley ~ The writing drew me in! I need to see if there is anything else by Bernhard Schlink. :)

    3M ~ Me, too!

    Ms. Bookish ~ The topic is a taboo, but the writing is great.

    Dar ~ I know you'd whip right through it and come out liking it. :)

  13. Alisonwonderland ~ If you can handle the topic, it's worth the read.

    Bookfool ~ Again - if you can handle the topic . . . It's definitely a compelling read.

    Trish ~ I can understand the "icky". My "icky" transferred into many emotions. That's another quality I liked about it.

    Kim L ~ It's a short one, so go ahead and dive in. :)

    Bermudaonion ~ Yes, I do! It'll probably be sometime during the summer.

  14. I saw the movie and thought it was great, not sure about reading the book now though...I'm sure it has to be different from the movie and just feel like I would compare the two the whole time.

  15. Kris ~ I like to see the movie after I read the book, too, so I understand. If I see a movie first, I usually don't read the book.

  16. Ooh, I just bought this, now I can't wait to read it! :-)

  17. I really liked this one too. There was so much to it. Hanna was such an interesting character. I never really liked her much, but I got a better understanding of who she was and why she made the choices she did.

  18. Joanna ~ The topic is difficult to deal with, but it was soooo good. I'll be watching for your review.

    Literary Feline ~ There was a lot to it. I had so many questions and thoughts afterward - I would have loved to have read this with a book club. I have two friends that are "readers", but they don't keep up, so talking to them afterwards just isn't the same.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!