Saturday, October 10, 2009


Author: 22 individuals - Edited by Linda Fairstein
Genre: Short Story Collection
Published: The Prosecution Rests, 2009
Personal Rating: 4/5 (very good)
Yearly Count: 121

I decided to read this collection in-between other books, so it has taken almost 3 months to get through. However, I looked forward to getting back to it every time. I was really surprised at the diversity of stories and for the most part I enjoyed them. There was one that I did not finish and one that received an "excellent" rating, but like all my ratings, they are purely subjective and could very well have had different outcomes if I read them at different times. The overall rating average came to 3.5/5 (good), but as a whole, I enjoyed them more than that, hence, my 4/5 (very good) final rating.

The following are the individual titles and links to my thoughts:

Thank you Miriam, from Hachette Book Group, for sending me a copy of the book.


  1. It feels good to finish a book you've been reading in bits and pieces, doesn't it? I finished one I've been reading that way. Need to get a review written for it.

  2. Booklogged ~ Indeed it does! I was always happy to get back to it. It was fun to be introduced to new authors.

    BTW - I am 10 posts behind in reading your blog! I will be around (hopefully) soon. :)

  3. I don't read short stories often because I just don't feel like I'm accomplishing as much (sad, huh?), but I like the idea of reading short stories in between other works. Now I just have to convince myself to do so! Glad you ended up liking this one overall.

  4. Trish ~ Over the last 2 years I have really learned to love short stories. I don't like reading a whole book of them though, so my "in between" readings works out great for me. They are great transition reads and provide the fix I need. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!