Thursday, June 14, 2007

Patricia Highsmith ~ BOiPod
Personal Rating: 3.75/5
Yearly Count: 46

This was a different kind of ride for me, but one that I rather liked. There was suspense, murder, psychology, and relationships all entertwined into a unique plot. I wasn't riveted or excited about anything in particular, yet I did stay connected to the story and wondered how it was going to play itself out. I enjoyed it; it was good.

From the publisher: With this novel, Highsmith revels in eliciting the unsettling psychological forces that lurk beneath the surface of everyday contemporary life.

*Recommended By: Book Chase (Not actual review)


  1. I haven't read the book, but it was made into a pretty chilling film by Alfred Hitchcock in 1951. Creepy!

  2. My husband read this not too long ago because it came highly recommended and he enjoyed it. It wasn't quite his usual taste though and so I don't know if he'll read anything else by the author. One of these days I may actually get around to reading it. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Joy!

  3. I like the story (having seen both the Hitchcock movie and the comedy 'Throw Momma From the Train'), so I'm going to have to give this one a whirl. I've only read one Highsmith before and didn't really care for it, but I might like this better. Until now, I didn't even know she wrote it. ;) Thanks, Joy.

  4. Laura ~ I read about that on Book Chase's blog! Listening to this did not make it creepy in the least. I missed out on some fun. :)

    Literary Feline ~ I would recommend NOT listening to it. I think I probably would have liked it even more had I read it.

    Kookie ~ I thought the storyline was very interesting, but like I said, no spooks for me. The narrator actually seemed very jovial and light-hearted. ??? Maybe I need to get my ears checked!?! :)


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!