Sunday, July 01, 2007


Mister Linky will be keeping track of our monthly non-fiction reads. Please type your name and then the name of the book you have read in parentheses. To link your review, copy and paste the direct URL and press enter.


Your Name: Joy (The Tender Bar)




    Congrats Joy, I think you deserve a Rockin Girls blogger award

  2. Oh and I posted my review for July Non fiction. I know it wasn't on my original list, but for some reason I am having trouble finishing the books on my original list. I have started but not yet finished 3 of them already.

  3. Historia ~ Why thank you, Historia! That is very kind of you. :)

    Don't worry about your non-fiction choices that aren't working out...skip 'em and choose something else.

    I'm going to come by and see your review of the Kingsolver book now; I'm curious as to what you thought.

  4. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I totally missed June...where did that month go???? Thanks for hosting this...I have been able to add many good books to my TBR and Read pile ;)

  5. Well, I have just posted my last 2 books which means I have now read 6 books required by this Challenge.

    Only 2 of them were on the orginal list (actually 3 of them were, but I read one early because I couldnt help myself). The other 4 were not on the original or the alternatives list - but IMO thats irrelevant. If you're not in the mood to read the books on the list, then it becomes a chore, and reading has to be FUN, FUN, FUN. So thats why I chose other non-fiction books.

    Also I have a dealine to read as many books as possible in the nest 3 days before I go silent for a few weeks.

    Thanks heaps for the Challenge Joy.

  6. AARRGGHH Bad proofreading.

    That last paragraph should read - Also I have a deadline to read as many books as possible in the next 3 days before I go silent for a few weeks.

  7. Danielle B. ~ I'm glad you have been able to add to your TBR list. That's always a fun thing to do! :)

    Historia ~ Hooray for you!!! I hope you enjoyed them all. I totally understand the need to be in the right mood for certain books. If you don't mind me asking...why are you going silent?

  8. I'm having fun with this challenge--thanks so much for hosting!

  9. Gentle Reader ~ It's my pleasure. :)

  10. I love that this challenge is helping keep me on track with my goal of reading more non-fiction. Thanks Joy!

  11. Hi Joy! I did it. I read 5 nonfiction books, plus a couple others that I didn't plan for. I planned to read one per month, but went crazy in June and read 3! Oh well, thanks for hosting. And I made a list of so many other great nonfiction books to read.

  12. Nyssaneala ~ Oh I'm so glad! :) Over the past few years I have discovered how much I really enjoy non-fiction. As long as you're reading about something you WANT to read ... it's great!

    Raidergirl3 ~ Hooray! Congratulations to you! Glad to know that you were able to create a list of more non-fiction books to read, too. :)

  13. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Just under the wire!

  14. Anonymous12:16 AM

    I just made it too! Maybe this month's wasn't my favorite book, but it had some nice passages I want to remember....

  15. Lesley & Debbie ~ Whew! lol


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!