Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Michele Martinez ~ BOiPod
Personal Rating: 3/5
Yearly Count: 117

As I was perusing a list of books to be released soon, I discovered this new-to-me author and thought I'd give this one a try. Most Wanted is Martinez's debut novel in the series of Melanie Vargas. The fourth in this series, Notorious, has a release date of February, 2008.

Melanie Vargas is a prosecutor in New York City and she weasels her way into a high-profile case. The case requires a lot of attention along with her baby daughter and philandering husband. That's quite a lot to juggle.

The high-profile case involving a hotshot attorney was pretty good, but nothing terrific and the family life . . . frankly, some of it was just plain irritating. On the whole, it was "just okay".


  1. I've read the first two books in this series and I do enjoy it, but it's not up there among my favorites, I admit. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Most Wanted more.

  2. Literary Feline ~ I was disappointed. I wonder if listening played a part in my irritation. ??? I did like the plot though. I'll be by to see what you have said about them.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!