Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Tobias Wolff
Genre: Short Story
Published: The New Yorker, 2005
Personal Rating: 3/5
(SS) Yearly Count: 1

My 2008 reading has begun. Here are my first reading thoughts of the year . . .

Sergeant Morse was finishing up his duty when a call comes in from a woman looking for her brother, Billy Hart. Morse reveals that he was shipped out for Iraq a week earlier and offered to help her. As the story progresses, I found that Morse's curiosity about the sister was different from what I expected. The difference happens to be the core of the story.

It was a good story and I liked the fact that I had to think a little as to what the point was or what conflict was resolved. However, I would have liked more substance or direction, so I wouldn't have to guess at the author's meaning.

I purposefully chose a short story first, so that I could feel encouraged about my productivity in 2008. I'm off to a great start!


  1. A short story is a good start to the new year! I haven't read one page today, I've been so busy doing other things. I started to feel behind this evening (especially since I head back to work tomorrow), and had to remind myself that it's okay. I have 365 more days to read. With the leap day, it's like I didn't even miss a day!

  2. Literary Feline ~ One day at a time or more appropriately one book at a time!

    I look forward to getting lost in a "can't put down" book. You know the kind - when you don't hear people call your name or the rumble in your stomach is ignored! Unfortunately, I do hear when my name is called and my stomach often wins out; however, I think you get my point. :)

    Happy Reading!

  3. O.K., you didn't give this story a tremendously high rating, but I might have to search it out anyway, because you left me so intrigued.

    Starting off the year with a short story was a brilliant thing to do...wish I'd have thought of it. I did get a bit of reading in yesterday, but didn't "finish" anything. And actually finishing something would have felt soooo good.

    Quick question--if I started a book last year, but read most of it this year, can I count it for the A-Z Challenge? Or would I receive a severe reprimand for that sort of behavior?

    By the way, I love your signature!

  4. Debi ~ The short story was originally in The New Yorker. You can Google the story to get there.

    LOL - no reprimand needed (this time), but watch your step. :)

    Here are my thoughts: I'm not too enthused about counting books that were completed in 2007; however, if you completed it in 2008 . . . link it up! :)

  5. Debi ~ Oops! Just remembered to add ... Thanks! (about the signature) I've been wanting to do that for quite sometime.

  6. I do that a *lot* - read short things when I need to feel productive. Last year, my attention was just all over the place. Whatever works, right? :)

  7. Thanks for the info, Joy! I think I will have to google it.

  8. Bookfool ~ It's so nice to "see" you! You still have your thinking cap on (with a working bulb), so that's a good thing. :)

    I know you had a tough end to 2007, but I hope things are looking a little brighter for you and your family for 2008.

    We can only do the best we can. So...chin up! (Not too far up though, 'cause I don't know if we could handle a Bookfool without a thinking cap!)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!