Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mwah! Award

On January 9, 2008, I was kissed by Teddy Rose from
So Many Precious Book, So Little Time

Here's what the Mwah! represents:

"It's a big kiss, of the chaste platonic kind, from me to you with the underlying 'thanks' message implied. I really do appreciate your support and your friendship and yes, your comments. ... Mwah!"

I thank you, Teddy Rose, for your kindness in sharing your kisses with me and of course, for the wonderful blog you have developed. It is much appreciated and enjoyed. :)


  1. Joy: Congrats on your smoochies!
    You need to get over to J Kaye's blog and email her with your snail mail address for LUCKY MAN.

  2. Vickie ~ Thanks for the heads-up regarding J. Kaye, but I mailed it as soon as I found out I was a winner! I wouldn't want to miss out on my well-earned free book! LOL There was a mix up, but she figured it out. All fixed! :) Thanks, again for letting me know.

  3. Your most welcome Joy, you deserve it!

  4. That kiss was indeed meant for you, Joy. A Mwah! from me, too, for all your great posts and your inspirations for great challenges. You're awesome.

  5. Teddy Rose ~ Thank you!

    Booklogged ~'re making me blush! Thank you so much for those very kind comments Booklogged. You deserve kisses, too! :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!