Tuesday, July 29, 2008

19th Challenge Completed!

This year's Notable Book Challenge was an expanded version of the NYT Notable Book Challenge of last year.  Many lists of books were available for the choosing and there was no minimum book requirement.  I, once again, chose 6 books - all being Young Adult, except one.  My original intent was not to read all YA, but that's how it evolved.  Rating wise, this turned out to be a pretty successful challenge.

Thank you Wendy from Notable Books for hosting this challenge!

Notable Book Challenge Reads:

The Invention of Hugo Cabret (Selznick)
2007 Publisher's Weekly Best Books

The Gathering (Enright)
2007 NYT Most Notable

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Kenney)
2007 Publisher's Weekly Best Books

The Boy in Striped Pajamas (Boyne)
2007 International Reading Association Notable Books

Sold (McCormick)
2007 International Reading Association Notable Books

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (Alexie)
2007 Publisher's Weekly Best Books

Here is my original list of books with links to my thoughts.

Sold (McCormick)

Least Favorite:
The Gathering (Enright)


  1. CONGRATULATIONS, Joy, for finishing the challenge!

  2. Wow Joy, congrats on yet another 2 challenges!

  3. Congrats on finishing the challenge!!

  4. Dar ~ Thank you, Dar.

    Teddy Rose ~ Thanks! :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!