Monday, December 08, 2008


Joshua Henkin has kindly offered to send, anyone in the world, a signed copy of his 2007 New York Times Notable Book:


From the back cover:

It's the fall of 1986, and Julian Wainwright, an aspiring writer, arrives at Graymont College in New England.  Here he meets Carter Heinz, with whom he develops a strong but ambivalent friendship, and beautiful Mia Mendelsohn, with whom he falls in love.  Spurred on by a family tragedy, Julian and Mia's love affair will carry them to graduation and beyond, taking them through several college towns over the next fifteen years.

Starting at the height of the Reagan era and ending in the new millennium, Matrimony is a stunning novel of love and friendship, money and ambition, desire and tensions of faith.  It is a richly detailed portrait of what it means to share a life with someone - to do it when you're young - and to try to do it afresh on the brink of middle age.

If you are interested in entering this give-away, please leave a comment by answering the following question:

Have you ever seriously considered
writing a book?

The winner will be posted on December 15!  

Joshua Henkin is available for group discussions and/or you can refer to the Reading Group Discussion Guide for pertinent questions relating to Matrimony.  


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    hmm. i have definitely considered writing a book and i keep dreaming up plots for the book I am going to write.. but i guess i haven't pursued it seriously..
    do enter me for the giveaway!

  2. I know I don't have the talent to write a book, but I sure enjoy reading them! This book sounds good--I would love the chance to win.

  3. Not seriously. I wish I could, but I'm afraid the talent is just not there!

  4. Actually, yes. Not a novel, though, but a parent's books about grief. I doubt I'll ever write it, but it has crossed my mind on more than one occasion. I guess my "grief blog" will suffice for now.

    Yes, I'd love a copy of this book. Throw my name in the hat, Miss Joy! :)

  5. I have had dreams of writing, but I just don't think the ability is there. After reading so many great authors - it is more like an "I wish I could write like that" dream.

    Please throw my name in the hat for this great challenge!!!

  6. Hmm, not sure my comment went through. I'll try again:

    My answer is Yes! And I'm in the process...I wrote 50k words in NaNoWriMo last month and soon I'll be adding to them and doing lots (and lots) of editing....

    I would love to win this book as I was supposed to receive a copy to review a while back and the Italian postal service ate it (or something) :(

  7. i have the beginnings of a couple of books filed away somewhere - from back before i got married and had kids. i'd love to return to those ideas at some point - when i have more free time and, hopefully, energy than i do now!

    i'd love to win a copy of Matrimony. thanks!

  8. Yes, I have a book that is about 3/4 of the way complete. DO enter me in the contest kmanfredini AT gmail DOT com.

  9. I love the tought of writing a book, but not the actuallity. I remember editing papers in College and had a hard time editing and revising 20 page papers let alone a WHOLE book. So I would say no I wouldn't write a book. :)

    Please enter me in the contest!

  10. I did think about it while I was at Uni, but now that I'm out in the "real world" it seems like there's no time, so the answer is probably, No, I'm not committed enough. I would love to have written a book, though. :)

  11. Thanks for participating in the give-away everybody!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!