Friday, January 16, 2009


Author:  Cody McFadyen
Genre:  Thriller, Series #3
Published:  2008
Personal Rating:  4.5/5
Yearly Count:  7

Smoky Barrett, FBI agent/surviving victim, is personally called to a morgue outside her jurisdiction.  Upon her arrival, the murdered victim's body creates more questions than answers.  It proves to be a unique murder and evidence suggests that it is by no means the only one.  It also reveals the victim's secret, which leads Smoky and her team to hunt for a killer that collects unspoken truths.

HOORAY (and not surprised), I have my first Best Read of 2009!  Cody did not let me down in the latest Smoky Barrett thriller.  Holding to his word, this edition explores Smoky in a more personal manner, which tones the book down (in comparison to the first two) maybe a notch - maybe.  He has not eliminated his trademark suspense, shock, gore and grave descriptions.  Nope - they're still prominent.

Aside from all the thrill and suspense, there is a continuing story that flows within the main characters.  The story and the chase are both very compelling and made it difficult to put the book down.  I did - many times, because I know I have a long time before the next one comes out.  What could Cody possibly come up with next?  I can't wait to find out.


  1. i guess i'll have to check out this series. thanks for the review!

  2. Joy: Your review reminded me I NEED to get back to Cody McFadyen!!!

  3. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I have this one and the one before it here. I'm planning on reading them in the next little while. Thanks for the review!

  4. Alisonwonderland ~ Well, if you are not faint of heart or in least bit sensitive to disturbing scenes, then by all means - read the series! :)

    Vickie ~ I've had this #3 taunting me on my shelf for a while, but couldn't get to it because of other commitments. It was great to finally pick it up; however, then I didn't want it to end.

    Kay ~ They are all good! Happy Reading!

  5. I have a couple of his books to read, but I think I will move them in the pile after your review. Great review!

  6. This sounds good. After delving into a P.D. James mystery, I find myself wanting to read more thriller/mystery type books. I'm glad you really enjoyed this one Joy.

  7. Yay! I knew you'd enjoy this one as much as I did. We even gave it the same rating. Now to start pestering Cody to hurry up with his 4th installment!!

  8. Hooray for Best Reads!!! You know what, I went right out and bought Shadow Man (that is the name of it, isn't it?) right after you reviewed it, and yet I still haven't read it. What's my problem...these sound so darn good!

  9. Kristie ~ His books are not for the faint of heart, so if you are good with that - READ THEM! :)

    Dar ~ He is definitely a suspense/thriller writer. I can't believe I read this stuff and like it. Well, I don't "like" the yucky stuff, but being with Smoky as she works through the puzzles the serial killers present is good stuff.

    Les ~ I know - what takes him so long anyway!?! :) I have rated the three books a 4.75, 5, and 4.5. What a phenomenal winning writing streak!

    Debi ~ They are very, very bad, Debi. They can create the gamut of emotions.

  10. I bought the first 2 in this series but haven't read them yet. You've got me really looking forward to them.

  11. Booklogged ~ I'm happy to spur some excitement.

  12. I just read Shadow Man this weekend. I liked Smoky and liked that it was fast-paced but there were a few things that bugged me. I'd probably try another though to see how it goes.

  13. I haven't read anything by this author yet but I really need to pick up one of his books. This sounds great.

  14. Yay for the first best read of 2009!! Isn't that the greatest feeling? Hope you have many more.

  15. Iliana ~ McFadyen is one of my favorite authors. He keeps my interest with his writing style, story line, and thriller components. I can't wait for his next one.

    Samantha ~ Read my posts on his other books, you may change your mind. You cannot be faint of heart. It gets pretty bad. The scenes are not lengthy, but they are shocking.

    Trish ~ Thank you. I want more, too! I hope your reading year has started off well.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!