Sunday, January 18, 2009

Premio Dardos Award

Jackie from Farm Lane Books Blog was so kind in passing the Premio Dardos Award along to me. Thank you, Jackie! Believe it or not, Jackie has only been blogging for approximately 4 months and already has a blog full of book reviews!

Here's what Jackie is all about:
I love books! I love them so much that I gave up my 'proper' job, and now sell books online, giving me the opportunity to live with several thousand books!

I read anything that has been recommended to me, has won a prize, or just sounds interesting. I particularly like completing lists of books, and am currently trying to read all the winners of the Booker, Pulitzer and Orange Prizes.

I live in Surrey, England, with my husband and two young sons.

I hope you'll visit Jackie. With lots of reviews, I'm sure you'll find a common interest.

Thanks again, Jackie. I'm honored. :)


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Congratulations on your award! I'm off to check out Jackie's blog.

  2. Bermudaonion ~ Oh good!

  3. Congrats on your award Joy. I couldn't get the link to work to visit Jackies blog.

  4. Bonnie ~ Thank you! I don't know what happened. When I went into Edit HTML there was lines and lines of gobbly gook! It's all fixed now. :)

  5. Congrats to you Joy and thank you for introducing us to Jackie. I'll have to visit her blog :)

  6. Thanks Joy! I've visited Jackie's wonderful blog and have added it to my google reader! It's nice that you feature others blogs.

  7. Iliana ~ It's my pleasure. :)

    Bonnie ~ You know how it is when you are a newbie - nobody knows you are out there.

  8. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Congratulations! I think this is wonderful as you so deserve it. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!