Friday, January 09, 2009


Author: Ted Dekker & Erin Healy
Genre: Thriller, Standalone
Published: 2009
Personal Rating: 2.75/5
Yearly Count: 5

Shauna wakes up in the hospital, after a car accident, to discover that she has lost the last six months of her memory. As she tries to remove the fog in her mind, she also removes (yes, removes) some information that may be a threat to her life. She begins to wonder if the accident was really an accident.

I was right there with Shauna when she was trying to figure out who she could trust or not; however, once memories started to develop in her mind - the method in which those memories arrived was beyond my acceptance level. It turned a plausible scenario into an implausible one. I had no idea that there was this paranormal element to the book and I was not prepared for it. The method, in and of itself, was not a big deal - I just don't care for unexpected paranormal elements. The suspense/thriller portion of the book was still of some interest, but the memory method ruined it for me.

Kiss is released today, January 9, 2009.

Thank you, Alex from for sending me this book by new-to-me authors.


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I'm not big on paranormal stuff either, so this is probably not for me.

  2. Ok, well you know I'm a fan of the paranormal so this books sounds right up my alley. I'll have to check to see if I can get a hold of it here.

  3. I love reading the paranormal in all its subgenres, but I don't like when it's gratuitous paranormal like this one sounds. Doubt I'll be adding this one to my to look for list.

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I'm so sad you didn't like this one. Ted Dekker is my all time favorite author. He wrote Three and Obsessed which are just two of his many books, but these are good ones. My first thought was jealousy when I saw that you had a new Ted Dekker that I hadn't heard of lol!!

  5. Bermudaonion ~ It's not a huge part of the book, but it's there and continues throughout.

    Dar ~ You know, I think you may like this. Like I keep saying, there isn't a lot of the paranormal stuff, but just enough to make me go "blah". There's much more story surrounding it that I think most people will forgive him. :)

    Vickie ~ BINGO! You win for the best descriptive word! :) Gratuitous it is, indeed.

    Kristina ~ You made me laugh. I was really excited to read it due to the popular author (new-to-me), but unfortunately it didn't do great. Do all his books have a paranormal element to them? If not, then I would be happy to give him another try.

  6. Nice Review Joy. I love paranormal books. However, I have tried several of Ted Dekker's books and I just don't care for them. Just not my taste. I can't really put my finger on why.

  7. Amy ~ That's interesting. I wonder if there was something else subliminally, that didn't strike me in a positive light. At this point, I'd still give him another chance, but I'm not running towards it.

  8. Thanks for the review, Joy. I think I'll pass on this one.

  9. Joy -
    I tagged you for a bookshelf meme. I hope you don't mind. It's at..

  10. Booklogged ~ I don't blame you. :)

    Darcie ~ Thanks.


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