Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Author: James L. Swanson
Genre: Historical True Crime, Standalone
Published: 2006
Personal Rating: 5/5
Yearly Count: 54

This is the historical account of the John Wilkes Booth chase after he assassinated President Lincoln. The 12 days it took to apprehend him are told in detail, along with the events that led up to the assassination and following his capture.

I thought this was absolutely excellent! The rich components make it a complete and fascinating story from beginning to end. There are many characters in the book and each are very purposefully explained in terms of how they fit into the plot, so I did not experience any confusion. Also, it is told with fluidity and suspense, even though we know the outcome. I now feel well-versed on the assassination of President Lincoln and have already shared unknown details with family and friends. :) Great book.


  1. I love books like that!

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    This sounds like an awesome book. Thanks for introducing me to this book.

  3. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I read this book 2 years ago and I absolutely loved it! I was a history major in college and the Lincoln Assassination is one of my favorite area of studies. I've read numerous books on the assassination and I have to say that "Manhunt" is the best one to read if you're looking for a fun way to read history. I'm so glad you liked it as well as I did!!

  4. i have added this to my to-read list. i'd never heard of this book, but it sounds fascinating. thanks for the review!

  5. If you would like a complementary book, my husband is reading Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation, in which Mr Booth of course is featured. There are some amazing facts.

  6. Bermudaonion ~ The interesting part of sharing has been that they have all been interested!

    Thatsthebook ~ You're welcome. I don't think you'll be disappointed if you give it a try.

    Talesofabookaddict ~ Oh yes - I did! This would be great in a classroom. I'm glad to know that I read the "best one"!

    Alisonwonderland ~ If you are the least bit interested in history (actually even if you aren't), it is at the very least an interesting book. At best - that would include mystery and suspense.

    Nan ~ Thank you. I will look into that. :)

  7. This is not the type of book that I would normally pick up to read, but your review is awesome...I'm interested! Thanks! :)

  8. Missy ~ I love memoirs and other non-fiction, but history has never been a favorite of mine; however, with this book - I have turned a new leaf. :) If you read it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  9. Joy: In response to your comment about "FADE"...I agree, you should read Wake...it is very good. You may even like Fade...I would definitely give it a shot. :)

  10. Wow. I would never have given this a second glance, as I'm not a big history reader. However, with a perfect rating (and glowing review) from you, I may have to nominate this for my book club. If nothing else, I'll get a copy for my husband (and me!) to read. Sounds intriguing. Thanks, Joy!

  11. I was so caught up in this book. Lately, I've been thinking with Swanson's gift for dramatic cutting back and forth with action that it would make a great movie.

  12. Missy ~ Thanks. I will. :)

    Les ~ The reason it's "glowing" is because I don't read that much history either, so if there's a history book that gets me interested AND excited - it's a winner! :) I can't imagine you not enjoying it somewhat.

    I just looked up the author (Swanson) to see if he has written anything else in this genre and he has not. :( However, he just published the YA version of this.

    Bybee ~ I think every aspect was interesting, so going anywhere would have been fine. :) lol


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!