Monday, June 01, 2009


Author: Tess Callahan
Genre: Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2009
Personal Rating: 3.5/5 (good)
Yearly Count: 66

From the back cover:

Soul mates since childhood, the attraction between April and Oliver has always been palpable. Years after being completely inseparable, they become strangers, but the wildly differnt paths of their lives collide once again withthe sudden death of April's brother. Se*ual tension builds as Oliver, the responsible, newly engaged law student, finds himself drawn more than ever to the reckless, mystifying April -- and cracks begin to appear in his carefully constructed life. Even as Oliver attempts to "save" his childhood friend from her grief, her manacing boyfriend, and herself, it soon becomes apparent that Oliver has some secrets of his own -- secrets he hasn't shared with anyone, even his fiancee. But April knows, and her reappearance in his life derails him. Is it really April's life that is unraveling, or is it his own? The answer awaits at the end of a downward spiral . . . toward salvation.

My experience with this book was pretty rocky at first. I did not like April in the first 50 pages, but with a little help from my friend Mary from Bookfan-Mary (she loved it, btw), I decided it would be best to give April a break. My feelings of dislike did turn into something resembling compassion, and I was able to continue on. Even though I did not agree with all of Oliver's actions, I was able to connect with him more, and for the most part, I liked him.

The plot itself or maybe more like - where the two would encounter one another, seemed a bit contrived, but once in the moment, the emotions felt like anything but contrived. The tension and confusion were palpable, and the suspense of what the ending may entail was always there.

Overall, it's a read filled with gloomy anxiety that went hand-in-hand with the characters. It turned out to be a good one, though, and I'm glad I stuck with it.

My thanks go to Miriam, from Hachette Book Group, for sending me this ARC! April & Oliver will be released on June 3, 2009.


  1. Joy, I'm glad you finished it - which I know from experience isn't always easy when you're not sure you really want to go on. I think you wrote a great review. I really liked the ending :)

  2. the ending of the book, that is : D

  3. Mary ~ I couldn't stop reading towards the end, and it finished up being very good; however, I had to balance my blah beginnings with the ending.

  4. I've been thinking about adding this book to my tbr list. I'm not sure, though, if I'm ready for gloomy read just yet (I really have to be in the mood for one before I can enjoy it).

  5. Joy, I have no issue with your rating. Given your early feelings about the book I think 3.5/5 is a great rating!

    And look at you - 66 books for the year on June 2!!! I think I'm about ten behind you - which is a little ahead of last year. Not bad :)

  6. It's great to have other bloggers to talk to about a book - that's one of the things I love about Twitter. I'll have to remember this book starts out slow when I read it.

  7. Ms. Bookish ~ It's an odd kind of gloomy. It definitely is not a happy chick-lit kind of read; it has a very serious tone. I understand about being in the right kind of mood for books. I'm there, too.

    Mary ~ I just wanted you to know that I really did like it - towards the end anyway and appreciated your encouragement. :)

    I looked through my blog to see where I was last year and I'm about 10 behind my total of 2008. :( I haven't had as much work (audiobook time), so I'm slacking in that area. I think I'm reading about the same. My goal is to read at least 4 books a month. More, of course, is great, but I've got to get in a book a week! *grin*

    Bermudaonion ~ I'm not going the Twitter route. I think I'm missing out on some fun, but I am veering away from all other time snatchers. :)

  8. Good but not great, eh? I thumbed through this a little bit at work the other day and nothing about it caught my attention.

    You are doing great this year. Wow, 66! I'm having the slowest year ever. I think I've finished 17 books. Last month, I only finished ONE! Too much going on in May...

  9. Les ~ Yep, that's how it went for me. It was more about the lack of connection to April that threw me off.

    In relationship to last year, I'm not keeping up, but in general, yes, I'm pleased to get to so many books. The iPod does me good. :)

    One book is just too sad for a book lover. :( I hope June brings you lots of great reading!

  10. Anonymous8:18 PM

    This is why I'm not very quick to abandon a books. Some books, for example To Kill a Mockingbird, I struggle with in the beginning, but by the time I read the end, I really enjoy. In fact, I now count TKM as one as my favorite books.

    Glad you were able to stick with it and find the good in this book.

  11. Jacketsandcovers ~ I've actually had to learn how to abandon books. I was one to read every word to the very end - even of books that I wasn't enjoying. Now, I've latched on to the idea that life is too short to read books that we aren't enjoying. I find some freedom in that. It's more difficult to abandon a book when others really love it, though. That's why I consulted Mary on this one. :)

  12. I had high hopes for this one, but after reading a few reviews, I may hold off for a while.

  13. Diane ~ Oh! So, I'm not the only one that didn't rave about it? That makes me feel a tad bit better. :)


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Happy Reading!