Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Author: Zora Neale Hurston
Genre: Classic, Standalone
Published: 1937
Personal Rating: 3.5/5 (good)
Yearly Count: 73

In Southern Florida, Janie Crawford, an African American in her 40s, recounts her relationships with men - which is the broad plot. How Janie grows as an independent woman is the heart of the story. The majority of her tale is told to her friend Pheoby regarding the years she spent out of town.

I was concerned about this one - my attention span was waning, but near the middle of the book my head was turned. As soon as one of Janie's suitors entered the picture I perked up; their "dance" was so much fun to observe.

While the audiobook was easy to follow along (no dialect adjustment on my part), I had to listen to the ramped up inflection and drama, which actually had a negative effect on my experience. However, despite the vocal gymnastics, I think this turned out to be a good classic read. Yay!


  1. I really want to read this, but for some reason I keep shying away from it. I'll get there eventually!!


  2. I know I have read this and I can't really remember that much about it. I think it might be on worth revisiting.

  3. I couldn't finish this one. I never did get into the dialect - I know that's a lame reason, but I didn't want to work so hard for my reading.
    I also couldn't get into the characters at all.
    I'm glad you liked it Joy.

  4. I wondered how the audio version of this one would be. I really liked the book but it was tough reading! It took a good while to get used to the dialect and it's really not that long of a book. I really enjoyed the "dance" as well--love how you put that.

    By the way, listening to Women's Murder Club and really enjoying it so far! It will provide me with weeks of pleasure. :)

  5. This is one of my favorite books ever! I first read it in college and it's one of those books I keep coming back to again and again. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  6. It took me years to get around to this novel! I would probably rate this one like you did - a three. I agree that it took quite awhile to get "into" the story, and reading it was a bit painful with the quantity of dialect. I wish I'd enjoyed it a bit more.

  7. Lezlie ~ Well, it's been around for a while, so it's not going anywhere. When you're ready - I hope you enjoy it.

    Nicole ~ I'm not a rereader, but if you liked it once - you'll probably like it again. It was good.

    Raidergirl3 ~ Oh, I never would have made it through if I had to read it! First, I wouldn't want to work at it either and second, I was wavering until the middle anyway. I would have stopped a long time before then. It's worth the listen though if you ever want to try it again.

    Trish ~ I smiled and giggled many times with that dance - tee hee. The audiobook was the only way for me. I would have given up for sure.

    Cassie ~ Did you read it for a class? I think discussing the book would have been fun and interesting, which usually adds to the enjoyment level of a book.

    Terri B. ~ Listening to it was the answer for me. Good for you for sticking it out. :)

    "bit painful" tee hee

  8. I read this years ago, and remember really enjoying it, once I got into it. I'll have to put it on my list of classics to re-read! Thanks for reminding me :)

  9. I just found this the other day after scouting around for it for about a year and a half. Looking forward to it.

  10. Gentle Reader ~ You're welcome. :) I hope you enjoy it the second time around.

    Bybee ~ I'm sending you easy reading dialect thoughts, so you can enjoy it instead of spending a lot of time getting adjusted. :)


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!