Sunday, June 21, 2009


Author: Sarah Addison Allen
Genre: Fiction (magical realism), Standalone
Published: 2007
Personal Rating: 3.25/5 (better than just okay)
Yearly Count: 74

The sisters, Claire and Sydney Waverley, have lived their adult lives separate from one another until unfortunate circumstances drive Sydney back home to Bascom, N.C. where Claire still resides in the family home. Both the sisters learn to deal with their relationship and their relationship with others, as well. Amidst their story is the added bonus of a peculiar backyard - one that contains a magical garden of sorts and a supernatural tree.

Out of the norm again - I found this book to be a little better than just okay. I didn't want to abandon it, but it did not draw me in either. The magical components were not way out there, so I was able to accept them with no problem (actually enjoyed them) - I just didn't think the story line was all that strong. It was definitely a light, quick read and I understand its appeal to others, but it held nothing special for me. I will not hesitate to give Allen's second novel, The Sugar Queen, a try. I'm hoping for a better outcome, though.


  1. I was hoping this book would be fantastic, so I'm disappointed to see it's better than just okay.

  2. I adored this book and loved the whimsical feel of the storyline. It was fantastic for me! I found it very unique and fun to read. It surprised me just how much I enjoyed it.

  3. I'll likely give this a try -- I'm getting the impression that it's very hit or miss on a individual basis.

  4. Bermudaonion ~ MOST people have loved this book, so I'm assuming you probably will too. I tend to float outside the norm. :)

    Bonnie ~ I LOVE when a book does that to me and I'm so glad you experienced that with this one. I wish I enjoyed it more.

    Beth F ~ If you get to it, I hope you consider it a winner!

  5. I liked this one a little bit better than you. I'm still anxious to read The Sugar Queen. One of my "reading twins" really liked it, so I have high hopes.

  6. Les ~ There are too many books on my shelves that I can't wait to read, so I don't know when I will get to it. The only way I would get to it sooner rather than later is if I listened to it.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!