Thursday, July 16, 2009


Yep! Today is my 3rd year of blogging!
(and I almost forgot to post about it)

I have no new revelations or plans to announce this year. The only thing I hope to do is get back on track with my original goal for 2009 - read from my shelves! I've been so swept up in ARCs (for the most part I've enjoyed it) that I haven't made much of a dent. Therefore, I have promised myself to read two books from my TBR Shelves by the end of August: Tilt-A-Whirl (Grabenstein) and Pope Joan (Cross). After that, I will continue to choose at least one book a month (whether I read it or listen to it) from the densely packed stacks on my shelving units. That way I will at least make a little headway. I feel such a deep yearning when I look at the unread books in my library. Most of them have been purposefully chosen, so hopefully, the monthly plan will satisfy some of that desire. Anybody else feel that book draw?

Thanks for stopping by throughout the year. Things have changed since I haven't been hosting or participating in challenges, but I'm truly grateful to those that still visit and leave a comment. It's much appreciated!


  1. I quit joining challenges this year just so I could concentrate on those books on the shelves. And I tried to quit acquiring more books (not a great success, I'm afraid). I've been feeling almost a sense of urgency to get more books read that I can't even explain. I need to chill out.

  2. Framed ~ "URGENCY" that's a great word to describe my feelings. It's not necessarily an overwhelming feeling, but a sense of . . . well, urgency - a need to get to them. I need to chill, too. :)

  3. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I understand the Urgency!! Happy Blogiversary!!!!

  4. Happy Anniversary!

  5. Happy Bloggoversary!

  6. Yes, I do know that feeling. I often look at my older books with a strange longing. I'm working on accepting fewer ARCs, but it will take some time before they stop arriving.

    Happy Bloggiversary!

  7. Congratulations on 3 years! That is quite an accomplishment!

  8. Happy Blogiversary to you! 3 years is awesome....does it seem like it's been that long?
    I have a couple of books that I am looking forward to losing myself in pretty soon. Enjoy your reads and have a great weekend as well.

  9. Wow, Happy Blogiversary Joy! 3 years is quite the accomplishment. I know what you're saying about looking at your own library with longing but I'm still enjoying the whole hoopla of all good books no matter where they're coming from. Here's to many more years of book blogging my friend!

  10. Well done on 3 years! I hope you enjoy Pope Joan - it was the first book I wrote an online review for!

    (Ha, I found it:, but don't click the (Read more) cut, it has spoilers. )

    Keep enjoying your reading, whether it is ARCs, challenge books, or books you own.

  11. Happy Anniversary!!!

  12. Happy 3 year anniversary!

  13. Happy Blogiversary, Joy!

    I had to back off on challenges and even book reviews so that I could go back to reading books for the reason I used to - because the book looked like a good read.

  14. Happy Anniversary, Joy!

  15. Happy Anniversary! 2010 is going to see some changes in my reading goals, one of them specifically concerning books I already own.

  16. Happy Blogiversary!!


  17. Happy Blogging Birthday, Joy! Just as many others, I am thrilled that you having been blogging and sharing your insight and book reviews. Your challenges have been fun, too.

    About that pull to the books on our shelves - yes, I feel it, too. I need to read faster and all day every day. You too?

  18. I definitely feel it! I am always looking at my shelves saying that I really need to read this book or that book!

    Happy Bloggiversary!

  19. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Yay for 3 years of blogging! It's hard finding time for all the reading I want to do. I keep getting new books and having so many decisions on what to read next...

  20. Wow! I'm such a baby compared to you! Congrats and happy blogoversary.

  21. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Happy Blogiversary!

  22. Happy Anniversary Joy! That is an accomplishment and you should be proud of your committment and dedication to blogging. As you know your blog was one of the reasons I started blogging...yours Suzi and Lynne. I am coming up on my one year anniversary and can see how goals can change over time.
    I am doing the same thing, reading more from my own shelves and it is nice!!

  23. Happy Blogiversary! I'm so glad I found your blog -- I get the best recommendations from you!

  24. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Me again.....I highly recommend you putting your blog here:

  25. Happy Blog Birthday! My books always call out to me to read faster so that I can get to them. I don't get many ARCs, my deal is buying books and reading the new ones first before the ones that have been patiently (more or less) waiting their turn.

    = D

  26. Kristina ~ It must be an affliction that many readers get, huh? :)

    Farmlanebooks ~ Thank you!

    Ella Press ~ Thanks!

    Bookfool ~ I've been doing the same. Although, I have found that it's so hard to stop once you start, so the weaning process is very slow. (veeerrrrry slooooooooww - I just accepted one about an hour ago.) Ahhhh!

    Bermudaonion ~ Thank you. It's been a fun 3 years!

    Missy ~ No! It doesn't seem like 3 years at all! Time flies. I hope your books are winners!

    Dar ~ Thank you, Dar. I like what you said - "I'm still enjoying the whole hoopla of all good books no matter where they're coming from." I understand that - and I agree; however, the books I have on my TBR Shelves are pleading with me. It's so difficult to turn my back on them. Okay, is that flirting with personification? What has gotten into me?!

    Raidergirl3 ~ Oh! That's neat to know. I'll come over to give it a glance and read it in detail when I'm done. I'm looking forward to both of my choices.

    Suzi ~ Thank you!

    Charley ~ Thank you!

    Carrie K ~ Thanks! We go through phases, don't we? It's all good. :)

    Mary ~ Thank you, Mary!

  27. Joy,

    Congratulations!!! I really enjoy your blog, so keep up the good work. Good luck with your goals.

  28. Nicola ~ You are another ARC Queen - like Dar! It's good to shake things up every now and again, so I hope it'll be a positive change for you.

    Lezlie ~ Thank you!

    Booklogged ~ "Blogging Birthday" - love that! :) Thank you. Even if the days were longer or less sleep was required - we'd be happier readers, don't you think?

    Marg ~ Do you ever actually pick one off of the shelf? Lately, I have to make a concerted effort to do so.

    Rhinoa ~ I suppose that kind of difficulty is better than a reading slump, huh? :) Time. It's such a tease.

    Beth F ~ And no one would know - you're such a great blogger! :)

    Lynne ~ Thank you!

    Bonnie ~ I'm so glad you joined in with us. I love visiting your blog (and chatting via e-mails.) Changing can be a lot of fun - nothing truly stays the same anyway, right? I'm glad you're enjoying your own books. I'm trying! :)

    Cassie ~ Hey you! I'm so glad that you visit. And, 14 weeks already? Time sure flies.

    Danielle ~ Thanks, Danielle. :)

    Vickie ~ I agree - the new ones are usually very enticing, no matter how they come into my possession.

  29. Diane ~ Hi! You snuck in there. :) Thank you for the congrats. I'm so glad you stop by and comment.

  30. Congratulations on 3 wonderful years!

  31. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Happy Anniversary!
    I join challenges with the books I already own on my mind. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't :)

  32. Happy Bloggiversary Joy! Wishing you many more years of book talk :)

  33. Happy blog anniversary, Joy! I reach the same milestone this next week. Hard to believe we've been hanging around that long. :-)

    I know what you mean. My TBR books have been calling my name as well.

    Here's to many more great blogging years!

  34. Kris ~ Thank you! They have been wonderful years. :)

    Stacybuckeye ~ Thanks! I didn't have as many books when I was doing challenges. I've been frequenting book sales for a couple years and have a massive amount now!

    Iliana ~ Thank you, Iliana! I hope you'll keep talking with me. :)

    Literary Feline ~ Thank you! I know - 3 years! Woo! Hopefully we'll both be able to read one or two off the TBR Shelves every now and again.

  35. Congratulations! Yours was one of the first blogs I followed, Joy, and you're still one of my favorites!


  36. Wow! Three years! That's so awesome, Joy! Great job!!! :)

    And I'm so excited that you're planning to read Tilt-a-Whirl. I can't wait to hear how you like it. Did you hear my back and forth about how the series was maybe at an end because St. Martin's wasn't going to publish anymore. I was heart broken until Chris found a new publisher for Ceepak. Whew!

    Congrats again on your blogiversary. That's awesome!

  37. Happy blog anniversary, Joy! You were one of the first bloggers I met and I'll never forget how you let me pester you about this and that--you were really so great about welcoming others and showing them the ropes. I can't imagine the blogosphere without you.

    I know the book draw you speak of. I've hit the bookstore 3 times this week despite the 250 unread books on my shelf. I haven't been taking in as many ARCs this year, but the past month I've agreed to a few. There are just so many dang books! Sheesh.

  38. A very, very, very happy bloggy anniversary!!! I can't imagine this bloggy world without you, so I sure hope there's many more years to come!

  39. 3M ~ Awe - thank you, Michelle! Yours is a favorite of mine as well. I hate it when you disappear on occasion.

    Jen ~ Thanks, Jen! :) Oh yes, Tilt-A-Whirl is a must this summer. I've put it off for too long now.

    I don't understand how publishers drop authors. Do the authors meet their contract obligations, then the publisher decides whether to continue with them? I'm glad he found another and I hope he does very well! (I hope I like the first book!)

    Trish ~ Thank you, Mam. You didn't pester me, Trish. I was happy to help.

    I think over the last month or so, I feel like I have commented on every blog, "I have this on my TBR Shelf and can't wait to get to it." Somewhere along those lines anyway. It's so true though. I have a lot of book and I want to read them all - NOW! :)

    Thanks for being a visitor and a friend, Trish.

    Debi ~ A very, very, very warm thank you to you. :) I hope you continue as well. How's that "library" working out at your house?

  40. A very belated yet happy blogiversary to you, my dear blogging friend!!! I may not comment as often as I used to, but I'm trying to get back to my blog-hopping. I think I've found a solution. I figured out a way to attach my laptop (Netbook) to my treadmill! I can walk for an hour while reading all my favorite blogs. I can't comment very easily, but at least I can come back and post a little message here and there. Maybe this will help with my time management issues! ;)

    Here's to many more years of blogging!!

  41. Les ~ Thank you!!! I love when you comment, but I'm not placing any pressure on you to do so. When the mood strikes - go for it. :) I have never heard of anybody attaching their laptop to the treadmill!!! That sounds crazy! (a great idea, but crazy) You have to show a picture of that because that makes you one dedicated blogger. :) :) :)

    I listen to books on my iPod while I'm on the treadmill. That's still blog-related, right? LOL

  42. Les ~ In light of a blog post regarding the book Holly's Inbox, I have been spurred on to make sure you understand my light-hearted silliness with the use of the word "crazy" in my above comment back to you. The Holly's Inbox post touched on the fact that sometimes the written word can be perceived other than it was intended (tone, facial expressions, etc. are missing) and I want to make sure you were not offended. I actually thought it was an ingenious idea and would not have even thought of it. It's a great way to use that hour of walking!

    I decided to post this here instead of e-mailing you because my comment was already public, so I thought it appropriate to apologize publicly. If I in any way, shape or form have offended you - I'm sorry. I don't think/edit much before I push the "publish your comment" button for my posts or comments (hence the riddling of errors) and that was no different in this case. I should have chosen a better word from the get-go.

    Hope you have a great day, Les!

  43. Oh my gosh, I wasn't the least bit offended! I had to come back here and re-read your response to see exactly what your wrote. It is crazy of me to attach a laptop (actually, a small Netbook) to my treadmill, but it's the best solution I've found to keeping on top of all my favorite blogs. Between books and photography (and now Facebook!), my computer time is insane. I don't dare start anymore hobbies or I'll never get any housework or gardening done. At least this way I can get my 4 miles in while catching up on all the blogging news.

    BTW, I just got a copy of Holly's Inbox from the author yesterday. My, what a chunkster! I suspect it's a quick read, though.

    Again, no need to apologize. :)

  44. Les ~ Thank you. Ya just never know. :)

    As for Holly's Inbox - WOO for you and WOO for me! There is a wonderful, generous and delightful blogger (she's one of the above tee-hee) that has offered to send me hers. I'm so excited. I can't wait!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!