Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Author: E. Lockhart
Genre: YA Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2008
Personal Rating: 2.75/5 (better than eh)
Yearly Count: 88

Frankie Landau-Banks attends an elite boarding school. She becomes disgruntled when she is excluded from the boys' secret society, so she decides to make a statement.

This has been on my iPod to listen to for quite some time now. The cover is what drew my attention, and I saw many reviews that highly recommended it, but it just didn't hold its own. Unfortunately, the story didn't meet my expectations or match the cover either.

Frankie was a fine character, and the writing was fine, too. There was just nothing that truly kept my interest. It was just ho-hum. I liked Frankie's final thoughts about herself, so the book did end well.


  1. I wonder if this would have been better read rather than listened to.

  2. OH NO!! Just better than "eh" huh? I just picked this one up for cheap at Borders and was hoping to squeeze it in as a quick weekend read. Still looking forward to it--hopefully it will be a lot better than "eh" for me. :)

  3. When I listen to books I think a lot about whether I would enjoy them more if I were reading them. But sometimes neither works.

  4. Bermudaonion ~ I actually enjoyed the narrator, so I don't think reading it would have made a big difference. It just didn't grab me.

    Trish ~ OH NO! is right! However, there's a good chance you'll like it more than I did. Although, it really doesn't seem like your type of book. ??? (I could be wrong.)

    Nicole ~ I think that's where I'm at - I just wasn't into it.

  5. Well, not something I would normally pick up, but I've heard good things about it and found a cheap copy so why not.

  6. I think we all run into these type from time to time. Hopefully your next will be a humdinger.

  7. This one is on my to-read list. I really enjoyed The Boyfriend List and The Boy Book by the same author.

  8. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Interesting...I've had this in the TBR pile for a while. Well the imaginary pile. I suppose it's more of a list since I don't have most of the books physically in my possession.

    Whoa...that was some rambling...sorry it's been that kind of day. It's always good to hear a review that is less than glowing about a book as well. Some books aren't for everyone. Nice to know.

  9. Oh, I'm sorry you didn't like this one! It's still on my TBR list, but after your review my expectations have gone down a bit. Which is good, I think! :-)

  10. Trish ~ Hope you like it!

    Vickie ~ I'm eager for a humdinger. I want it to come soon! :)

    Alisonwonderland ~ I haven't read any others. I'm not opposed to trying another.

    Jennifermorrill ~ I tend to only gush about books that make me gush about them. (see I ramble, too) :) I need a gusher!

    Joanna ~ I understand your thought process. I hope you truly enjoy it when you get to it.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!