Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Author: Lee Child
Genre: Thriller, Series #2
Published: 1998
Personal Rating: 3.5/5 (good)
Yearly Count: 93

Jack Reacher, an ex-military policeman, is kidnapped while being an innocent bystander. Jack and the intended victim, Holly, begin to communicate to figure out the reason behind the kidnapping and how they are going to escape.

This kidnapping scenario was very intriguing, and I enjoyed the book a lot for about a third of it, then it began to wane. My interest wasn't totally lost, but I was tired of the dragged-out plot.

The best part was how Jack made general observations that lead him to discoveries. These observations were not at a rocket scientist's level, but interesting nonetheless. I hope his character deepens as the series moves along because I really don't know much about this guy and I want to.


  1. I've only read the first 3 or 4 of this series, and I enjoyed them also. Sure is gruesome though! :-)


  2. This is a series I am reading from the beginning and in order. I listened to one several years ago, was intrigued, but never made it back until last year's First in Series Challenge. THE KILLING FLOOR was good and I have a small collection of the rest of the series. Now to get more time....There are so many series and standalones out there! And definitely not enough time.
    = )

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I've heard such good things about this series and I hope to start it someday. Too bad it was not as good as it could have been for you.

  4. Glad to hear there might be another "Reacher Creature" in the making out there. In terms of "dragged out plot", I guess it would be a short story if the plot wasn't dragged out somewhat. So far only one of Child's books, (I've read them all, in order) in my opinion truly drag a plot out. That would be last year's "Nothing to Lose." With "Die Trying" I was engaged enough with learning about the secessionist cult movement to get through any plot slowdowns. Jim Higgins

  5. Lezlie ~ I'm plugging away - hopefully I'll read #3 by the end of the year. :)

    Vickie ~ I know!!! I read The Killing Floor in 2006 for my personal A~Z Challenge and haven't been back since. :( I do hope I pick up the pace. A book every 3 years is pathetic!

    Stacybuckeye ~ Yeah, I wish I had liked it more, but I'm still looking forward to #3. :)

    Jim Higgins ~ Maybe it should have been a short story. :)

  6. Sorry you didn't like this one. I hate it when I read something I don't like.

  7. Rachel ~ It was good, but I do wish I liked it more.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!