Saturday, August 08, 2009


Author: Tiffany Baker
Genre: Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2009
Personal Rating: 3.5/5 (good)
Yearly Count: 95

Truly, the little giant of Aberdeen, struggles through life due to an overactive pituitary gland, which causes her to grow continually. Throughout childhood she suffered, not only because of her medical problem, but because both of her parents died leaving her and her sister as orphans. Truly gets shuffled from home to home, but eventually she learns to make the best of her life.

I thought this story line was unique and interesting. There were many issues touched upon including neglect, marriage, witchcraft - just to name a few and just as many emotions to go along with them. Throughout the book, my interest never faltered, but there were a few spots that I thought were gratuitous, and there was a lot that I didn't like regarding the witchcraft. Ultimately, I didn't find it to be anything special, but a good read nonetheless.


  1. I've been really curious about this one since I first heard about it. I am glad you liked it even despite it not quite being more worthwhile. :-)

  2. Like Literary Feline, I've been interested in this one, too. Maybe if my pile shrinks sufficiently in the next few months I'll get to read it.

  3. Literary Feline ~ This would make a good book club book - lots to discuss. I did like it, but just not as much as others. (common occurrence, unfortunately) However, I prefer mysteries and thrillers over fiction, so I'm not too surprised. (I've gotta give myself a break.)

    Booklogged ~ It's not one I would tell you to hurry and read as soon as possible, but it's not one to neglect either. It kept my attention, so that's a good sign.

  4. I read this and had similar feelings as you Joy. It was one that I expected to like much more than I did. I found the beginning very slow and almost gave up on it but did like the book and Truly's character in the end but only gave it 3 stars in my goodreads rating.

  5. I think I'll suggest this one for a book club read. Thanks Joy!

  6. I'm glad you liked this. It's one of my favorited books I've read so far this year :)

  7. I guess it's official now - I'm the only person left who hasn't read this book. Your review has tempered some of the raving reviews I've read, so my expectations won't be too high.

  8. Bonnie ~ Yay! I'm so happy I'm not the only one that didn't think it was spectacular. :) Some of Truly's actions were not appropriate (in my opinion), so I didn't care for her too much.

    Bybee ~ I think it has a lot to talk about, some deep topics and some not. :)

    Cassie ~ Oh, I wish I liked it as much as you. Like I said, her actions turned me off. Overall, I still liked it. I was interested the whole way through.

    Bermudaonion ~ :) That's okay. I'm the last person left who hasn't read a lot of books. :) Sorry for the tempering, but maybe that'll play out good for you.

  9. Interesting review. I have seen this one make the rounds online, but so far I just haven't been pulled in enough to pick it up.

  10. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I checked this one out of the library a while ago, read a few pages, then returned it. Maybe I'll give it another chance someday.

  11. I have seen this one around and I haven't been drawn to read it in spite of its getting good reviews.

  12. I've been wanting to read this ever since I saw it in the Books-a-Million monthly that they send out. To bad it wasn't really good but if I see it again I'll have to pick it up.

  13. I'm glad to hear that this one held your attention, in spite of not turning out to be a winner for you. I have an ARC, so I'll get to it eventually. Maybe I'll nominate if for a bookclub selection.

  14. Kim L ~ I wasn't drawn in enough to take my precious reading time, but it worked out to listen to it. In my opinion, you're not missing much.

    Stacybuckeye ~ It did keep my interest, but if you weren't snagged to begin with - there are other books to choose. :)

    Nicole ~ I saw all those good reviews, too! Don't force yourself if you are not drawn to it.

    Rachel ~ Many, many people have raved about it, so you may really enjoy it.

    Les ~ I've got to give some props to a book that holds my attention - right? It wasn't great, but there are many topics to discuss, so it could bring about some good conversation.

  15. I did enjoy this book. You said it when you said interesting and unique. That played a huge part in my enjoyment of the book.

  16. Toni ~ Hi Toni! :) It had an oddity to it for sure.

  17. Just posted my review for this. Not a winner, but at least I finished. 3/5 (OK).

    1. Les ~ I ended up with saying it was "good," but I don't remember anything about it now.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!