Sunday, September 27, 2009


Author: Andrew Davidson
Genre: Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2008
Personal Rating: 1.5/5 (ugh)
Yearly Count: 113

An unnamed man survives a terrible car accident; however, he is left with a body that is burned beyond recognition. During the excruciating pain, and while his thoughts are not revolving around thankfulness, a schizophrenic woman named Marianne Engel appears at his bedside. She claims that they knew each other during medieval times and proceeds to tell him stories of those times.

Oh boy. I didn't follow my gut instinct to discontinue listening to this book and suffered through most of 16 CDs. It would have been so much better to release the book and give it a DNF rating. What was I thinking?! I was thinking that the modern times story was very interesting; well, the burns component was interesting. I didn't care for the occupation of the unnamed narrator, but thought that would pass. Once the medieval stories began I was hoping they would quickly pass, too. They did not - they actually overwhelmed the present day. By the end, I didn't even care much for the present day. Wasted: 19.5 hours of listening time. Lesson: Listen to your gut.


  1. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this one, Joy. I haven't read it yet, but I have a copy sitting on my TBR shelf. I've heard great things about it mostly, but then some not so good things too. Seems to be one of those you either love or hate.

    Listening to your gut is good, but not always a lesson I remember to follow either. I bet you won't forget the next time though. :-)

  2. Literary Feline ~ I heard great things about it, too. That was one reason why I kept going. Davidson's style of writing was fine. It's the story line that wasn't my cup of tea. If you are like the majority of people - you'll like it. I hope you do. And, if you're not liking it . . . don't make the same mistake I did. Just STOP! :) You are right - I won't forget this lesson for a while. I really thought I was doing better with "giving up" on a book, but old habits die hard. It really annoys me that I did that.

  3. Anonymous12:29 AM

    I read this one last year because of all the hype and I liked it. Didn't love it. 19.5 hours is a long time to listen to something you don't like!

  4. Anonymous12:40 AM

    I've been on the fence about this one - the topic/plot doesn't interest me, but everyone kept saying it was so phenomenal. I think I'll pass.

  5. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy this one. I loved it! I can't imagine it being a good audio book though, so perhaps that is where the problem was?

    It does have some disgusting scenes, but I thought the plot was amazing.

  6. Isn't it funny how a single book can affect people so differently? I really loved this one, and I'm sorry you didn't like it. I don't know how it would translate into audio, though; I imagine it probably just droned on and on.

    Well, at least you learned a valuable lesson: Always follow your gut! :)

  7. Stacybuckeye ~ You're telling me!!! :)

    Carrie ~ Well, "phenomenal" is in the eye of the reader - as I have unfortunately discovered. *grin*

    Farmlanebooks ~ I wish I loved it - does that count for anything? :) The audio narrator was actually good. I didn't like when a certain thing voiced its opinion, but other than that - he was good. It was my mistake in the first place to read/listen to anything medieval, but I didn't know much about the book beforehand so was unaware of that aspect.

    Cassie ~ I saw your rating on Goodreads when I posted mine and wasn't really surprised. I do feel like it droned on and on; however, if I were reading it - I wouldn't have made it past a few hours. Next time, I will read more about a book before even attempting to invest that many hours in it and of course, listen to my gut if I'm not enjoying it.

  8. Oh wow ... 1.5 huh? ouch! Sorry you didn't like this one :-( That's a long time to listen to something you're not enjoying.

    I'm afraid I'm in the "Absolutely loved this book!!" camp.

  9. WOW..This was a favorite last year. I had the print version, not the audio, but I doubt that would have made much difference for you...sorry!

  10. Sorry to hear you didn't like the book, especially after spending so much time with it. I'm another of those who loved it. I wonder if I would have loved it in audio? Since it seems to be a love it or hate it book, I'm now curious about what it is that brings about the disparate reactions! Hope you enjoy your next book a whole lot :o)

  11. Nicola ~ Indeed it is! And I won't do that again. I'm glad that you absolutely loved it. I wish I did. I certainly don't plan on not liking a book. :)

    Diane ~ I actually think it would have been a DNF for sure. With audio I can listen and be active, so I'm not totally wasting time as I would have been with reading. I would have stopped. It just wasn't for me, but I truly am glad it was for you.

    Terri B ~ My main problem with it was its story line. I do not like medieval times and then to have a character claim that they knew each other during that time doesn't bring me any pleasure. I can read and enjoy some implausible plots, but for the most part - I'm a realist. I would have avoided the book if I had read the cover or a few reviews. The books I'm reading now are both good. Whew! :)

  12. So sorry you didn't enjoy this one. I didn't either, to be honest! I had a really hard time finishing it, so I know what you mean. I was disappointed, especially since I had heard so many great things! Oh, well, we can't like everything!

  13. Trust your instinct!! I've spend way too much time feeling guilty about giving up on a book that I just didn't care for. I thank you for your honest and great review. I certainly won't be running out to read this one any time soon!!

  14. I've been working on trusting myself and letting go, this year. Sometimes it's really difficult! Sorry you feel like your time was wasted. This one actually has never interested me, so it's kind of nice to have confirmation not to bother.

  15. I've heard really polar things about this book--some people love it and I've heard others say that they didn't finish because it was so awful (sorry you spent 19.5 hours on it--but would that have been less than than if you read the book?). Honestly, the cover itself is a big turnoff to me but that's a whole other story. :)

  16. A love it or leave it book. I was really leery of reading it, but ended up loving it. A lot. I loved the other love stories that she told him about, and since I like the medieval times, so I really enjoyed that part.
    Lots of people haven't like it, so you aren't alone by any means. Sorry you spent so much time on a RecommenDud.

  17. Kay - Infinite Shelf ~ I definitely was disappointed. I wish we did like everything we read. Wouldn't that be fun!?!

    Staci ~ It's such a hard thing to do - setting a book down. I am much better than I ever used to be, but every now and then I mess up. It's a good thing it's only books and not an addiction that a mess up would do me in. :)

    Bookfool ~ I need to keep it an active option in my mind when I'm beginning a book. Once I invest a chunk of time and I don't like it - it does become wasted time with every word read and that's just plain silly.

    Trish ~ I think reading is faster - yes. However, I can do other things while listening. I really think I would have given up if I was reading it. I don't like the cover either!

    Raidergirl3 ~ Oh, I wish I did, too. I'm really glad you did, though.

  18. UGH! That's a long time to suffer, Joy!! Sorry it was such a bust. Thanks for the warning. :)

  19. Les ~ It all depends on if you like paranormal/medieval stuff. I definitely do not, but you may. I did suffer - silly, silly me.


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