Monday, October 12, 2009

THE LAST EMBER ~ Mr. Joy's Thoughts

Author: Daniel Levin
Genre: Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2009
Mr. Joy's Personal Rating: 4/5 (very good)
Guest Appearances: 2

Please Note: While being thankful for the opportunity to receive and read this ARC, I feel the need to post the blurb from its cover. However, in my opinion there is usually too much disclosed. Read at your own discretion.

From the ARC cover:

A secret that reaches back millennia. A desperate search for a legendary relic. A fanatic's quest to erase the past.

When fragments of a stone map of ancient Rome mysteriously resurface, Jonathan Marcus, a young lawyer and a former classics scholar, reluctantly reunites with a former friend from his students days at the American Academy in Rome to search for clues to the location of the fabled Tabernacle Menorah, a priceless historical artifact taken from Jerusalem 2,000 years ago. but as they search, so, too, does the mysterious Salah ad-Din, a radical bent on erasing all remnants of Jewish and Christian presence from the Temple Mount.

What follows is a treasure hunt like no other, a race to control a historical perspective and determine who can define - or redefine - the past. By turns a riveting page-turner and a compelling character study set in the high-stakes worlds of art, politics, and terrorism. The last Ember is a gripping literary thriller that explores the deadly world of illicit antiquity excavation and ancient intrigue.

Once I got past all the Italian names and locations, this turned out to be a fun book. There was a lot of action and intrigue along with a splash of romance. The plot to erase history was an interesting idea and with all the mysterious societies and historic references, it had a Da Vinci Code feel to it. This is an author with a promising future, and I look forward to his next book.

Thanks go to Riverhead Books for providing this ARC. The Last Ember was released on August 6, 2009.


  1. I'm so impressed that you can get Mr. Joy to write a review for you! It takes me a little while to get into books with unusual names.

  2. I had a hard time with names in North of Calcutta. Glad that you enjoyed this one and it does sound good!

  3. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I really liked this one too. I had the same issue with the names. Great review, Mr. Joy!

  4. I also had some difficulty with the names, but it was definitely worth it! I love this genre and am a huge fan of this book.

  5. Bermudaonion ~ He actually read this months ago, and I finally got him to write one up. I told him, "Just a few layman's sentences will do." So that's what I got. :) I only "make" him do it for the books that I get from publishers for him.

    Staci ~ I'm glad he liked it. I'm not interested in it though.

    Stacybuckeye ~ He thanks you. :)

    Sansom ~ Mr. Joy definitely would read more by this author.

  6. Glad you enjoyed it! I have a copy of this I need to get to.

  7. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Made it to my TBR list!! Thanks Mr. Joy ;)

  8. Kris ~ My husband read it. I don't have any interest in reading this one, but he thought it was very good.

    Danielle ~ Hope you like it!


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!