Friday, October 30, 2009


Author: John Sandford
Genre: Mystery, Series #2
Published: 1990
Personal Rating: 3.25/5 (better than just okay)
Yearly Count: 129

A group of Native Americans are killing officials across the country that have demonstrated prejudice against them. Police lieutenant, Lucas Davenport is on the case, along with a policewoman from New York.

I wasn't too impressed with this story line, so it didn't hold my attention very well. And, then there's Lucas. This is what he says about his philandering ways, "I can't stop it." How unbelievably absurd! This book did nothing to change my initial thoughts about him. Hopefully the third book in this series, Eyes of Prey, will have a better story line, because I don't think Lucas alone is going to keep me coming back for more.


  1. Yes, yes, yes, keep going!! I didn't care for this one either, but I've read every book in this series and the next two are far and away my favorites! (And Lucas is annoying all the time. Your opinion of him as a person, as opposed to as a detective, will probably never change, though he's more tolerable later in the series when he settles down.)


  2. Lezlie ~ I was so hoping you were going to say that! I think I can handle Lucas as a person (At least I have feelings about him, right? It's better than being ambivalent.), but I needed a better story line. It had nothing to do with Sandford's writing - I like it, so I'm happy, happy to hear that the next two are really good ones. Woo! I'm excited now. Thanks!

  3. Joy ~ You're right about the feelings. Nothing is worse than ambivalence! Lucas isn't a bad guy. Just kind of a pig. :-) I can't wait to see what you think of the next books!


  4. I really enjoy this series but it does have a few weak links in it and this must be one of them.

  5. I agree with Lezlie. The series does improve, as does Lucas' behavior. More or less. ;) He reminds me a bit of Tony Soprano. Flawed, yet loveable. OK, likeable.

  6. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I love Lucas. There have been a few books that aren't as good, but for the most part I can count on him for a fast-paced mystery. And I like that Lucas grows as the series continues. For me, that's where many other long-running series fall short.

  7. Lezlie ~ I laughed out loud when I read your comment in my e-mail and just laughed out loud again! "Just kind of a pig." LOL

    Bermudaonion ~ Oh, another Lucas follower! I'm glad to know that you really enjoy this series as a whole.

    Les ~ :) I didn't know you read this series! (or I just don't remember) Anyway, I think Lucas is going to have to grow on me.

    Stacybuckeye ~ YAY! Another fan of Lucas! Then ultimately his "pigness" (see above) will have been a good place to start. :) We certainly wouldn't want to see him turn into a pig, now would we?!

  8. I couldn't get into Lucas or the books either but a friend of mine loooooves him.

  9. Carrie K ~ Well, I'm banking on Lezlie's recommendation that the next two are really good. I didn't feel like the first two were wasted reading time, but I definitely would have liked them to be better. I'll be listening to Eyes of Prey, so it'll be a different experience.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!