Friday, October 23, 2009


Author: Nick Hornby
Genre: YA Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2007
Personal Rating: 3.5/5 (good)
Yearly Count: 126

Sam is a typical, teenage boy that discovers how great his life was - after he gets slammed by reality.

My first Hornby book turned out to be a good experience. I liked the main character, Sam, and was entertained by the humor. Sam had some interesting quirks and was forthright with the reader which made him endearing. The plot was true to life, but eventually I became mildly bored with it. The one thing I didn't care for was being "whizzed into the future" of Sam's life. It isn't a technique that I like, but it worked okay for this book.

I have several more Hornby books ready for listening and look forward to see what else he has to offer.


  1. I guess I'm the last one who hasn't read a Hornby book now. I really need to, though.

  2. Bermudaonion ~ LOL I was pleasantly surprised and am excited about reading/listening to another one.

  3. Is this one a YA book? I know he has a few but I wasn't sure about this one. I've read High Fidelity (which I really liked) and A Long Way Down (which I didn't). Hope to read About a Boy soon!

  4. Trish ~ Yes, it is YA. I don't have High Fidelity, but I do have A Long Way Down on my iPod along with a few others. I have the book About a Boy. However, I have no idea which ones are YA. I'll figure that out before I read it though. :)

  5. All those you mentioned, I believe, are adult.

  6. I've been really wanting to read High Fidelity. I liked the movie and have wanted to try something by Hornby.

  7. I'm not a YA reader, but since this one is Hornby, I'll most likely read it eventually. I love his style!


  8. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I'm glad you liked it. It is probably my least favourite of his books and I still love it so I hope you read more!

  9. Trish ~ Thanks!

    Literary Feline ~ I'm looking forward to more by Hornby. I think I'll be able to get to more if I go the audiobook path. I hope you enjoy your pick. I'll be watching for your review. :)

    Lezlie ~ I'm excited about getting to an adult book. I liked his wit.

    Rhinoa ~ Your least favorite! Oddly enough, that's great news. :) You have really encouraged me to get to more. (And - it's great to see you again!)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!