Sunday, November 01, 2009


Author: Lois Lowry

Genre: Children's Sci-Fi, Standalone
Published: 2006
Personal Rating: 4/5 (very good)
Yearly Count: 131

Littlest One is in training as a dream-giver, and she gets the privilege of bestowing dreams upon a foster child.

I thought this was a very cute book. All the characters were enjoyable, and the story line kept me engaged the whole way through. One thing that I consistently like about Lois Lowry's writing is that she doesn't make fantasy seem silly. The Gossamer characters did not come across as caricatures at all. Also, I loved the wide range of emotions and topics that were explored, and most of all the fantasy of dream-givers.


  1. I was so disturbed by this book. The child abuse really got to me.

  2. Hmm, I don't remember any child abuse (commenting on Charley's comment) but I do recall I thought the book was sweet and lovely without, as you say, stooping to silliness.

  3. I've only read one book by Lowry, which I didn't love, but I have this one on the shelf. I wonder how I'll like it.

  4. child abuse??? Where did that come from??

    anyway- I loved your thoughts on this one. I felt the same way about the dream-givers. I pretty much have enjoyed most of Lowry's books and I really liked this one.

  5. I'm glad you liked this one, Joy! It is a wonderful little book.

    A re-read is in order for those who don't remember the theme of child abuse (and spousal abuse too, actually) in the book. I just re-read my review of the book and find my memory of the story is starting to fade too. Though I remember it being rather haunting.

  6. I could not find a way to email you with my address for the giveaway I won: Against Medical Advice, and did not want to include my address in a post.

    Can you email me your email address instead of commenting in a post please??

    bibliophilebythesea AT gmail DOT com

    thanks so much


    Framed - My response to you is in the next comment section.


    Charley ~ I wasn't sure what he made up and what was real. I assumed it was all true.

    Bookfool ~ I almost used the word sweet, but remembered the abuse and couldn't figure out how to describe it. :) Ultimately, I think it was sweet, though.

    Staci ~ Yeah, the little boy was abused - hence, put into foster care. He describes his encounters with his abuser in third person to the old woman.

    Nicola ~ Yes it is. :) And, yep - you're right there was spousal abuse as well. I'm left with more sweet feelings than anything.

  8. Framed ~ I can't imagine you not liking it, but to what degree - I'm not sure. It's a quick read.

    Diane ~ I sent you an e-mail a few days ago and just sent another one now. Please let me know here if you don't get it. It may have been considered spam. :(

  9. I absolutely LOVE Lowry. Glad you liked this one -- I did too.

  10. 3M ~ There hasn't been a book by her that I haven't liked yet! :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!