Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Author: Jenna Blum
Genre: Historical Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2004
Personal Rating: 3.5/5 (good)
Yearly Count: 6

Trudy, a history professor, is conducting a project based on interviews with German WWII survivors. Her German mother, Anna, does her best to live her life without causing or feeling any more harm or hurt; therefore, she doesn't share any stories from the past. Trudy is able to discover more through the interviews. The story is told in alternating chapters of the past and present.

This was another interesting viewpoint - surviving WWII Germans. I found the story as a whole to be very good, but it didn't draw me in like most of the WWII stories I've read. The main characters were clearly defined, and often, I could understand their emotions, but didn't feel them. Also, I was disappointed that there were so many gratuitous s*x scenes. I think I understand what the author was trying to convey, yet sometimes less is more. I believe this was one of those times. Overall - a good book, but nothing I would rave about.


  1. This one is on my 2010 reading list, as I have put it off for a few years. Sorry it was just an okay read for you. (I did enjoy your review). Thanks

  2. Sounds interesting - too bad it wasn't done a little bit better. Thanks for the review.

  3. I've heard good things about this book, but not like the raving reviews I've heard for Sarah's Key. I think I'll read both, eventually, but won't get my hopes set too high for this one. Sounds like a library check-out rather than a must buy.

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I have this one here at home. Thought the cover was cute. Glad to hear your thoughts on it. I'll get around to it eventually.

  5. Diane ~ I really thought it was good, but nothing great. I can see how those that love WWII stories would really enjoy this, though.

    Bermudaonion ~ Yeah, with some tweaks here and there it would have been a better read for me, but I'm glad I read it just the same.

    Les ~ I have Sarah's Key, too and am looking forward to that one. I wouldn't consider this one a "must buy," but that's just me. Usually people rate books higher than I do.

    Kay ~ Good, but not great. I still think it's worth a read, being that it comes from another perspective.

  6. I have this one TBR and have been reading a lot of WWII and Holocaust fiction and non-fiction Books. Glad to hear that you think it's worth the read!

  7. Bonnie ~ I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to your review.


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