Friday, April 02, 2010


Author: James Grippando
Genre: Legal Mystery, Series #1
Published: 1994
Personal Rating: 3.5/5 (good)
Yearly Count: 27

The Florida Governor, Harry Swyteck, does not grant his son's (Jack Swyteck, attorney) request for a stay of execution for his client. That response begins an avalanche of psychopathic reactions from someone who knew the client.

This is the first in the Jack Swyteck series, and I liked it. I wasn't necessarily taken with the plot or Jack - himself, but I liked the solid writing. This book was Grippando's debut, and then he spent 8 years writing standalones before writing the second in this series (Beyond Suspicion). I'm hoping that all of that practice assisted in fine-tuning the errors of far-fetched and contrived events. I'm very curious to find out.

Anybody else read this series? Thoughts?


  1. I listened to a book in the middle of this series and it was pretty good - I should probably go back and start from the beginning.

  2. I've never read this author so I can't put my 2 cents in...

  3. Bermudaonion ~ It's good to know you liked one in the middle. I plan on continuing with it.

    Staci ~ Howdy! I have read 1 or 2 of his non-series books and thought they were good. I'm hoping for more though. :)

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I have a few books from later in the series, but can't read them til I get my hands on this one. Can't stand reading a series out of order.

  5. Stacybuckeye ~ I know the feeling! :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!