Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Author: Rick Geary
Genre: YA Non-Fiction Graphic Novel, Series
Publisher: 2008
Personal Rating: 3.75/5 (better than good)
Yearly Count: 51

In graphic novel form, Geary presents the tale of self-proclaimed, Jack the Ripper. The time period is 1888 in London's Whitechapel District where five women have been gruesomely murdered.

Again, another success for Geary. However, I do have two minor disappointments - the length was shorter than the others in the series, and the font was difficult to read. Other than that, another fine fact-filled book.


  1. Not sure if this one is for me or not, but I am glad that you liked it for the most part!

  2. Oh, I didn't know about this one in that series! Thanks, I'm a big Rick Geary fan.

  3. Staci ~ This one is filled with unpleasant descriptions. The pictures aren't bad, if I remember correctly, but ick to the rest! However, from a mystery standpoint and as an adult - I still found it fascinating. I had only peripherally known about this killer, so through this quick read I have a better understanding. Like I needed that??? :)

  4. Bybee ~ Sorry, I didn't publish comments before I responded.

    I think he's fabulous! I have 4 more on hold at the library, and I've read about 5. Love the series. I know he has written some biographies, too. I'll get to them at some point. Have you read any of those?


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!