Friday, October 29, 2010


OMG!!!  I am so annoyed.  For the past several weeks, maybe longer, every single time I publish a post - whether in Edit HTML or Compose, my post comes out all jumbled up.  The jumble mainly consists of unwanted spaces.  The greater problem is trying to get rid of them.  You'd think that would be an easy task, but NO!  It takes me forever and a day to remove them.  Is anybody else suffering with this problem?  I have never had any problems with Blogger (over 4 years!), but it's making something so simple into a major chore.  And, I'm extremely frustrated.  I'm going to change providers if this can't be resolved soon.  The problem could certainly be me.  Maybe I have a setting wrong or something, I don't know.  Any suggestions?


  1. That was happening to me as well, mainly too much white space between paragraphs. I'm not sure why it happens, but I now try to compose my post using word and copy an paste it, and it works fine.

    Frustrating for sure! (If you figure out the reason or solution, I'd love to hear back from you).

  2. I actually haven't had any problems so I can't help you out at all......but I do know that to switch over sounds like a real pain in the neck!

  3. I haven't had any problems but another blogger (Amanda at The Zen Leaf) recently switched to Wordpress because she was having troubles with the new editor (which I think I've been using for months?) and the spacing issues. She could never figure out what the problem was.

    When you preview your posts do they look OK? I've noticed unwanted spaces when I view in the preview, but usually I can somehow get the spaces to go away (editing the html or something).

    I'm sorry you're having these frustrations. And I hope you can get them resolved.

  4. Thanks to all of you for responding. I reached a boiling point and couldn't take it any more. Just knowing that others experienced it made me search out the answer. Determined little bugger I am! :) And, ultimately it was just a simple click.

    Bibliophile By the Sea ~ Try the settings I posted in THIS IS JUST A TEST! There is no reason we should have to cut and paste - unless you want to. Anyway, I hope my test helps you. I think it resolved almost all of my complaints. Fixing the top space is not a big deal when the settings are properly set. :)

    Staci ~ More than a pain in the neck! I would hate to leave. Hopefully I'm good to go now that I did a little tweaking.

    Trish ~ I think I figured it out. :) Now when I have an extra space, I can easily get rid of it. With the other settings it was torture to remove them!

  5. Oh Glad u fixed it; I need to check this out closer now.


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