Monday, October 11, 2010


Author: Justine Larbalestier
Genre: YA Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2009
Personal Rating:  DNF #2

This one falls under the column of CONS when deciding whether or not to read book descriptions or reviews. I wasn't necessarily enjoying this, but thought the plot would thicken soon and grab my attention.  Well, it did, and without hesitation - it became a DNF.  I'm not going to say what the changing force was because it may ruin it for others.  But, if you're like me and don't like to know much about a book, you may want to have a clue about this one.  Thankfully this doesn't happen to me often.


  1. I have no desire to read this book but now your cryptic secrecy is going to have googling a summary of this book just so I can know what it was that made you finally DNF it!

  2. Ok, I got it! And I can so see why, especially you, would put the book down at that point! LOL

  3. Nicola ~ Hahahahaha! I don't even know why I had it on my TBR list in the first place, but I did. So, when I saw it (a while back), I added it to my collection of BOCDs in iTunes. Thought I'd go with a little YA yesterday and . . . well, you know the rest.

  4. Well, I think you saw my post about liking to know little to nothing about a book--so like Nicola I'm wanting to google the summary even though I've seen this one around a zillion times. Makes me wonder if it's only gotten the hype it has because of the whole 'whitewash' cover incident?

  5. Trish ~ Yes, I commented on your post and thought it was interesting that this happened so soon after that. Like I said, this is one of the "cons" of our crazed method. :)

    I vaguely remember the cover controversy, but don't remember the details. All I know is that the girl on the cover did or did not accurately represent the girl in the book. The pic on the cover of the book I have posted looks like the girl I envisioned.

    If you like this sort of book (it's a particular kind of fiction), then I guess it could be popular in its own right, but I tend to believe the cover caused some of its hype because who likes this stuff?!?!?

    (Apparently a lot of people. Blech)

  6. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Well, now you have me curious. But not curious enough to pick this one up.

  7. Stacybuckeye ~ There are so many other books that would probably be a better choice. :)

  8. Okay, now I'm really curious. But, on the other hand, I don't want to spoil the reading for myself. I waited quite a while to get a copy, but I'm one of those suckers who acquired it after the kerfuffle over the cover (the first cover was similar, but the girl was white).

  9. Sorry to see this is a stinker.

  10. I've heard so much about this one that I was actually "turned off" about reading it. Glad to see that it was o.k. to miss reading this one.

  11. Bookfool ~ LOL If you do read it, will you share the ending with me? I'm not dying to know or I would have finished it myself, but I wonder about the mystery part of the book.

    Bermudaonion ~ It's just a subgenre I don't care for and didn't know it going in.

    Staci ~ No worries, you won't miss much. :)


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