Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Author: D. B. Henson
Genre: Mystery, Standalone
Published:  2010
Personal Rating: 3.25/5 (better than just okay)
Yearly Count:  92

A successful couple are on the brink of getting married when unexpectedly the groom-to-be jumps to his death.  When law enforcement doesn't agree to the suggestion of foul play, the baffled bride-to-be is determined to find out what possibly could have caused him to commit suicide.

I felt like there were a lot of unbelievable stunts and the characters were underdeveloped, but despite that, I was always pleased to get back to it and enjoyed the suspense. Also, the climax received an eye-roll or two, but overall this debut was better than just okay, and I'd be happy to give Henson another shot. I think she has potential.


  1. I believe in second chances too Joy. Hope the next one is better though!

  2. Staci ~ I suspect it will be.


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Happy Reading!