Friday, April 01, 2011


Author: Laurie R. King
Genre: Mystery, Mary Russell Series #2
Published: 1995
Personal Rating: 3.75/5 (good +)
Format:  Audiobook
Yearly Count: 19

An old friend introduces Mary to the leader of New Temple of God, and Mary's interest is piqued due to her theology background. Soon, a member of the temple is murdered. Mary steps forward to investigate and finds herself in a bind.

The first third of this book disappointed me, and I actually considered not finishing it. However, it did turn around and ended up being pretty good. My biggest complaint was the temple talk, but once the plot thickened I was invested.

The relationship between Holmes and Russell surprised me, and I'm curious as to what is going to happen there. One part of their relationship I really enjoyed was the rare, but snarky comments made to one another. They made me grin every time. I look forward to continuing onto the third in the series.


  1. I read the first one and really enjoyed it...must get back to these 2 characters!!

  2. Staci ~ I would have given this one a 4/5 had it not been for the beginning. I'm not immediately running out to get the third, but I definitely want to read more. I will look up the title of the third so if I do see it, I can pick it up. Hope you enjoy it, Staci.

  3. This was my least fave of the series, but the rest are fantastic! I have two left to read.

  4. Nan ~ Oh thank you, Nan. That is very encouraging. I'm more excited about continuing now. :)

  5. Anonymous11:11 PM

    I had a good friend in college named Mary Russell and then she wasn't a good friend. Not sure I could read the series without picturing her the whole time.

  6. Stacybuckeye ~ I understand! However, this Mary Russell is so different because of time, setting and plot that I think your thoughts could be shifted from the old MR to the new. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!