Sunday, April 03, 2011


Author: Anna Quindlen
Genre: Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2010
Personal Rating: 4/5 (very good)
Format:  Audiobook
Yearly Count: 20

The Latham family consisting of parents, Glen and Mary Beth and their three teenaged children, Ruby and twin boys Alex and Max who all live their ordinary lives until the unexpected happens.  

Quindlen's ability to write extremely realistic characters and dialog that could be in any household with teenagers is remarkable.  I was drawn into the family immediately, and I truly felt as if I knew these people.  The story is told from Mary Beth's point-of-view, so we get to know her best, but all the characters came to life.  I wasn't shocked by the unexpected event, but certainly felt the emotions emitted.  

   I haven't been overly impressed by Quindlen's novels in the past, so I really had no intentions of seeking out any more of her work.  However, Les (see below) raved about this one, so I relented when I saw it as an audiobook.  I have to say that this experience has opened the Quindlen reading door once again.

*Recommended By:  Les from Lesley's Book Nook


  1. Everyone seems to love this book!

  2. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Wasn't this book touching? I really liked it and I've not read any of Quindlen's books before this. This was one that Les and I agreed upon entirely. We don't always. :-)

  3. Bermudaonion ~ It's a worthy read. :)

    Kay ~ Yes, it was touching. Quindlen really has a gift in telling realistic fiction.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I may have to give this one a shot...although I never have been able to get into any of her books. my first free book from Good Reads...thanks for the info....will have a review shortly ;)

  5. Danielle ~ Hooray for free books! :)

  6. I have a few of her books on my personal shelf...sounds like one that I would love to read!

  7. Staci ~ I think you'd enjoy it.

  8. I'm glad this was a winner for you, Joy. If you want to try another of Quindlen's, I'd recommend Blessings.

  9. Les ~ Thank you for the recommendation. I'll keep that particular book in mind when a Quindlen need arises. :)

  10. Anonymous11:13 PM

    I think I only read one of her books years ago and wasn't impressed enough to seek out more. But this one has made it on to my wish list because so many bloggers, like yourself, have really liked it.

  11. Stacybuckeye ~ I think this one has been received well and rightfully so. If you want to venture in Quindlen's world again, this would be a good choice.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!